portashFrightened by imaginint people seen are ghosts. (Southern Head Harbour area ??) H. ...And I was fourteen year old that February, but in January I...I leaved one night after...a big mile one Sunday night, I went down to Cassandra (??). I walked out to the...from the camp out to Cassandra (??), roughtly about...BETWEEN three and four miles. Harry, he was...no,Harry wasn't out there then. Harry was in with Kiel (??) Langdown,(who) belonged to Northern Arm up here, just across FROM (IT). But I went out to Cassander (??). And I spend Sunday out there, you know, wear away the time, and ...so by and by it got dark. I didn't trouble; I wasn't afraid: nothing like that. (TALL...??) comin' through a cut-hole OVER (??)(AND ANY?) big bi...