packet_Cent_ 2 ' despatch vessel' ; 'mail boat' ; vessel or regular packet-boat ~ dory ~ ship ~ vessel _OED_ packet boat (1641 - ) _NID_ (1866 - ) _DAE_Prob. _Withdraw_? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
pump ship_Cent_ (low) _Partridge_ ca 1870 Grose _Care_Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scull v_Cent_ _OED_ (1624 - ) _NID_ _Heritage_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
whale n_Cent_ _OED_ 1756 - ) _NID_ _DAE_ (1882 - _Heritage_ _COD_Withdraw? [check]Used INot us...
schooner-rigged_OED_ (1812-) _NID_ _DAE_Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
bailer_Cent_ bailer� 2 'vessel used for bailing water' _OED_ (1883-) _NID_ bailer'vessel used for...
water boats_Cent_ _NID_ _EDD_ _Heritage__Maybe_ withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
bum boat_Cent_ _OED_ (1769-) _NID_ etcWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
toe of boat- nothing on ships NID is very good Let's call Bushe _ad hoc_.Withdraw [check]Not use...
sailing ships= sealing vessel, but _OED_ cover (1884)Withdraw MAR 27 1979[check]Not usedNot usedW...
boat n_OED_ (1679) _DAE_ (1708-)Withdraw? [check]Used I and SupUsed I3Withdraw
skin boat_NID_ _DC_ (1811 + many other cites) _Cent_ (coracle)Inclined to withdraw?[check]Not use...
ribband_OED_ ribband sb 1 'in shipbuilding . . .' _NID_Withdraw ? [check]Used INot usedWithdraw
sail maker_CENT_ _OED_ _NID_ _DAE_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdrawnsail n includ...
goose wing, to sailThe usu. Naut. term _NID_ _Cent_ _OED_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot use
sag_OED_ ~ v 4 Naut. 'Of a ship or boat: To drift out of course' (1633- _NID_withdraw MAR 26 1979...
pump ship_Cent_ (low) _Partridge_ ca 1870 Grose _Care_Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scull v_Cent_ _OED_ (1624 - ) _NID_ _Heritage_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
whale n_Cent_ _OED_ 1756 - ) _NID_ _DAE_ (1882 - _Heritage_ _COD_Withdraw? [check]Used INot us...
schooner-rigged_OED_ (1812-) _NID_ _DAE_Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
bailer_Cent_ bailer� 2 'vessel used for bailing water' _OED_ (1883-) _NID_ bailer'vessel used for...
water boats_Cent_ _NID_ _EDD_ _Heritage__Maybe_ withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
bum boat_Cent_ _OED_ (1769-) _NID_ etcWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
toe of boat- nothing on ships NID is very good Let's call Bushe _ad hoc_.Withdraw [check]Not use...
sailing ships= sealing vessel, but _OED_ cover (1884)Withdraw MAR 27 1979[check]Not usedNot usedW...
boat n_OED_ (1679) _DAE_ (1708-)Withdraw? [check]Used I and SupUsed I3Withdraw
skin boat_NID_ _DC_ (1811 + many other cites) _Cent_ (coracle)Inclined to withdraw?[check]Not use...
ribband_OED_ ribband sb 1 'in shipbuilding . . .' _NID_Withdraw ? [check]Used INot usedWithdraw
sail maker_CENT_ _OED_ _NID_ _DAE_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdrawnsail n includ...
goose wing, to sailThe usu. Naut. term _NID_ _Cent_ _OED_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot use
sag_OED_ ~ v 4 Naut. 'Of a ship or boat: To drift out of course' (1633- _NID_withdraw MAR 26 1979...
pump ship_Cent_ (low) _Partridge_ ca 1870 Grose _Care_Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scull v_Cent_ _OED_ (1624 - ) _NID_ _Heritage_ etc.Withdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
whale n_Cent_ _OED_ 1756 - ) _NID_ _DAE_ (1882 - _Heritage_ _COD_Withdraw? [check]Used INot us...