scrimshankinHesitancy.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1956Not usedNot usedWithdrawnspecial character in head word: scrimshankin
scrougeTo press against another in a crowd.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story July 1956Not usedNot used...
swodgeto asswageto asswagePRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJune 1961Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrabble...when the word came it was done with a rush and "scrabble" (scramble) to put them on agai...
scrimshankhesitation to avoid an issuePRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryAugust 1955Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrudgen. Flurry.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdrawn[see 'scrabble'
scousen. = _lob scouse_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scruffthe back of the neckPRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryAugust 1955Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scraggyAs he came down the scraggy path / A cry fell on his ear.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryApril 1956No...
spilliardssee _bultow_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1956Not usedNot usedWithdraw
grumAngry, surly.Angry, surly.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1956used I and Supused I and SupWithdraw
scoterWhite-winged Scoter ("Labr.", Man.)PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJune 1962Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scroogeto crouchDNE-cit G.M.StoryMay 1955Not usedNot usedWithdrawn[see 'coochee', etc.
skillyn. = _lob scouse_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdrawnChecked by Raji Sr...
Screechin'(To go s.). To get excited.PRINTED ITEMG.M. Story April 1962Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scumshy n. . . a stupid personPRINTED ITEM G. M. Story MAY 1970JH MAY 1970Used IUsed INot us...
scrougeTo press against another in a crowd.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story July 1956Not usedNot used...
swodgeto asswageto asswagePRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJune 1961Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrabble...when the word came it was done with a rush and "scrabble" (scramble) to put them on agai...
scrimshankhesitation to avoid an issuePRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryAugust 1955Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrudgen. Flurry.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdrawn[see 'scrabble'
scousen. = _lob scouse_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scruffthe back of the neckPRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryAugust 1955Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scraggyAs he came down the scraggy path / A cry fell on his ear.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryApril 1956No...
spilliardssee _bultow_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1956Not usedNot usedWithdraw
grumAngry, surly.Angry, surly.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1956used I and Supused I and SupWithdraw
scoterWhite-winged Scoter ("Labr.", Man.)PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJune 1962Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scroogeto crouchDNE-cit G.M.StoryMay 1955Not usedNot usedWithdrawn[see 'coochee', etc.
skillyn. = _lob scouse_.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJuly 1959Not usedNot usedWithdrawnChecked by Raji Sr...
Screechin'(To go s.). To get excited.PRINTED ITEMG.M. Story April 1962Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scumshy n. . . a stupid personPRINTED ITEM G. M. Story MAY 1970JH MAY 1970Used IUsed INot us...
scrougeTo press against another in a crowd.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story July 1956Not usedNot used...
swodgeto asswageto asswagePRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryJune 1961Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrabble...when the word came it was done with a rush and "scrabble" (scramble) to put them on agai...