maidenhair nThese are white, capsule-shaped berries that are found in mossy, damp places usually on the sides of low hills. They are found under the leaves and their leaves are long and bright, deep green. They taste like peppermint. They ripen at the same time as the partridge berries do. This is when we used to look for them. They are also found where the "pardgies" grow. Pardgies = Partridge berries. [see 'capillaire']JH 14/1/70Used INot used2Not usedWintergreen, teaberry, CAPILLAIRE, maidenhair tea (berry), magna-tea (berry), maidner tea (berry), manna-tea (berry), MOUNTAINEER TEA, Maidenhair BerryChecked by Rebecca Nolan on Thu 01 Oct 2015, This is a duplicate typed copy of M_1299