scrimshankThis is _scrimp_, but apparently Peddle has heard full word (or seen it in Devine/English.Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scrumptious_Cent_ _OED_ _NID_ _Heritage_ etcWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
plankplank - noun - wide board plank - walk - _literal_ ???Withd [check][check]Not usedNot usedW...
umpireBelieve this is literal, not a local term for _culler_ (1810-)Withd? [check]Not usedNot use...
scrimshank"Scrimshank" means to do without something to get something else more needed. Eg. One's p...
scrummageEDD n ctiesWithdraw ?Agreed [check] GNot usedNot usedWithdrawnhandwritin
scutter n-see sciodar skidderany use? Not UsedEDD not esp IrelandUsed I and SupNot...
scrimshankinHesitancy.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1956Not usedNot usedWithdrawnspecial character in ...
window scrim'scrim' is covered in dicts in sense of curtain.withd [check] Transparent ?Not usedNot...
scrimshankApparently slang picked up from a military man. Query for now? Have you heard this used...
drumbarker_NID_ etc usual termWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
SringePretty widespread? Pron. varientWithdraw [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scoupThis seems to be gen. & sometimes partic. covered in dicts.[check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
riphooksicklesickleYesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONNot usedNot usedWithdrawn[see also 'scyve', 'sy', etc
scutttlevariation on _EDD_ scuttle v 8 sb 4 3. This transp. from nautical usage seems common. _O...
hawk v_Cent_ _OED_ _NID_ Heritage etc= to peddlewithdraw? Yes.Not UsedNot usedWithdrawnChecked ...
scrumptious_Cent_ _OED_ _NID_ _Heritage_ etcWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
plankplank - noun - wide board plank - walk - _literal_ ???Withd [check][check]Not usedNot usedW...
umpireBelieve this is literal, not a local term for _culler_ (1810-)Withd? [check]Not usedNot use...
scrimshank"Scrimshank" means to do without something to get something else more needed. Eg. One's p...
scrummageEDD n ctiesWithdraw ?Agreed [check] GNot usedNot usedWithdrawnhandwritin
scutter n-see sciodar skidderany use? Not UsedEDD not esp IrelandUsed I and SupNot...
scrimshankinHesitancy.PRINTED ITEM G.M.StoryJuly 1956Not usedNot usedWithdrawnspecial character in ...
window scrim'scrim' is covered in dicts in sense of curtain.withd [check] Transparent ?Not usedNot...
scrimshankApparently slang picked up from a military man. Query for now? Have you heard this used...
drumbarker_NID_ etc usual termWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
SringePretty widespread? Pron. varientWithdraw [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
scoupThis seems to be gen. & sometimes partic. covered in dicts.[check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
riphooksicklesickleYesJ. D. A. WIDDOWSONNot usedNot usedWithdrawn[see also 'scyve', 'sy', etc
scutttlevariation on _EDD_ scuttle v 8 sb 4 3. This transp. from nautical usage seems common. _O...
hawk v_Cent_ _OED_ _NID_ Heritage etc= to peddlewithdraw? Yes.Not UsedNot usedWithdrawnChecked ...
scrumptious_Cent_ _OED_ _NID_ _Heritage_ etcWithdraw? [check]Not usedNot usedWithdraw
plankplank - noun - wide board plank - walk - _literal_ ???Withd [check][check]Not usedNot usedW...
umpireBelieve this is literal, not a local term for _culler_ (1810-)Withd? [check]Not usedNot use...