spruce nThe Spruce Tree is the most prevalent wood of this Country ... It answers for a great many purposes; of it, they have no Domestic article but what the Spruce has some concern. The following is a list of the principal uses to which This Tree is applicable in Newfoundland: Yeast, to raise Bread with / Essence of Spruce, the common drink here / Building Houses / Bark to cover their Houses with / Firing / Building Fish Flakes / Preserve the Sails of their Vessels / Oars, for their Boats / Masts and Yards for Ships / Cattle browse on its tender Branches / Making Pudings withPRINTED ITEM DNE-citDNE-cit G.M.Story 11/75JH 11/75Used I and SupUsed I and Sup1Used Ispruce-beer, spruce-bird, spruce-game, spruce-partridge, spruce-te...