seal nIt was long after midnight when we came into contact with another vessel - a seal-hunter like our own - and then ensued a state of confusion ... in the efforts to separate the vessels, that was frightful to witness. 16 [On March 1] and the few days immediately following all the seal-hunters (as the ships on this voyage are called) were cleaving the waters eastward and northward of the island.PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit DNE-cit DNE-citSEP 1977 [~shot, ~skin, ~skinner, ~soap, ~twine, ~vat, vat, ~bird, ~penis, cock, ~worm, cod worm, ~frame, frame]squid finger, water pup, ~fish, ~fisher, ~fishery, ~hunt, ~fishing, ~gun, ~ing gun, ~hand, ~head, ~-head cod, snub1, ~hole, blow hole, bobbing~ , ~hunter, sealer1, ~hunt...