squid nYou can't tell the mind of a squid. This refers to an unreliable person. A squid can move backwards or forward.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story April 1964Used I and SupUsed I and Sup1Used Isquede, ~ hound, ~ jig, ground, ~ line, ~ school , squirt, squib, squiddle, squit, squitter, squid-o, squid bait, squid baiting, BAITING n, squid barrel, squid finger, ~ hand, SEAL FINGER, squid ground, GROUND,squid hook.squid jigger.squid hound, ~ bluefin tuna,squid jigger, squid jigging,squid-jigging ground,squid juice, squid line, squid pole,squid-sail, squid scull, ~ school, squid season, squid shit, squid juice, squid squall, squid stick,squid pole, squid trap, squ