shore 1 nThe first is the _bank-cod_, found on the great bank, many miles from land; the second is the _shore-cod_, caught in the bays around the shores, and in the Gulf of St.Lawrence; the third is the _red-cod_ (Gadius Callarius), resembling the rock-cod or red-ware codling of Scotland [reverse] The shore-cod resembles most the cod in a healthy state on the coasts of Britain, and is that of which the greatest quantity is caught, owing to its being most conveniently taken : the back is of a dusky brown colour; the belly, silvery or yellowish, and the spots in general not remarkably distinct.Used I and SupUsed I3Not usedCOAST n, INSHORE, LANDWASH, EASTER, FRENCH, NORTH(ERN), SOUTH(ERN), STRAIGHT, TREATY, WESTERN...