summer nwe found several of our Esquimaux, who had here their summer-station.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citUsed I and SupUsed I and Sup4Used Isummer,sommer,FALL n,SPRING[S]2[S],~FISHERY,~HERRING,WINTER,SEASON,FISHING~,summer house,~place,~shack,~station,~tilt,~agent,~cod-fish,~fish,fishery,~herring,~house,~inhabitant,~mole,~people,~road,~time,~voyage,SERVANTn1,FLOATER,STATIONER,VOYAGE1
summer nHerring gullPRINTED ITEM DNE Sup[Not in DNE] MactMAR. 2 1988 WK G.M. StoryUsed I and Sup...
summer n[They] have by leave of the former Governors and Proprietors erected severall stages and...
summer nThe English have at all times used this Fishery on the Eastern coast and in Harbours and F...
summer nWith a load of codfish from their Summer's work [they] were on their way south.DNE-citUsed...
summer nI was here fortunate in finding a very respectable industrious inhabitant,... still occu...
summer n[He found] a small birch rind hut such as the Esquimaux use at the summer fishery.PRINTED I...
summer nwhich are constructed to carry on the fisheryPRINTED ITEM DNE SupDEC. 8 1988 WKG. M. Story...
summer nHee is to have a single share allowed unto every man alike of such fish as is taken, while...
summer nWe had just been doctoring among the numbers of fishermen that make this their headquart...
summer nThe masters pay in fish at the end of the summer.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citGMS Jul 79Used I an...
summer n[People of Harrington] had both summer and winter housesPRINTED ITEM SUPAPR. 14 1988 WKG....
summer nI have loussed my tyme this summer.DNE-cit GMSAug 79Used I and SupUsed I3Used Isummer,somm...
summer nMany of their summer houses were built on the rugged coast which was little more than one ...
summer nThe cod-fishing season, or work.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story April 1962Used I and SupUsed...
summer nnot used 1 citeUsed I and SupNot used5Not usedsummer,sommer,FALL n,SPRING[S]2[S],~FISHERY,~...
summer nHerring gullPRINTED ITEM DNE Sup[Not in DNE] MactMAR. 2 1988 WK G.M. StoryUsed I and Sup...
summer n[They] have by leave of the former Governors and Proprietors erected severall stages and...
summer nThe English have at all times used this Fishery on the Eastern coast and in Harbours and F...
summer nWith a load of codfish from their Summer's work [they] were on their way south.DNE-citUsed...
summer nI was here fortunate in finding a very respectable industrious inhabitant,... still occu...
summer n[He found] a small birch rind hut such as the Esquimaux use at the summer fishery.PRINTED I...
summer nwhich are constructed to carry on the fisheryPRINTED ITEM DNE SupDEC. 8 1988 WKG. M. Story...
summer nHee is to have a single share allowed unto every man alike of such fish as is taken, while...
summer nWe had just been doctoring among the numbers of fishermen that make this their headquart...
summer nThe masters pay in fish at the end of the summer.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citGMS Jul 79Used I an...
summer n[People of Harrington] had both summer and winter housesPRINTED ITEM SUPAPR. 14 1988 WKG....
summer nI have loussed my tyme this summer.DNE-cit GMSAug 79Used I and SupUsed I3Used Isummer,somm...
summer nMany of their summer houses were built on the rugged coast which was little more than one ...
summer nThe cod-fishing season, or work.PRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M.Story April 1962Used I and SupUsed...
summer nnot used 1 citeUsed I and SupNot used5Not usedsummer,sommer,FALL n,SPRING[S]2[S],~FISHERY,~...
summer nHerring gullPRINTED ITEM DNE Sup[Not in DNE] MactMAR. 2 1988 WK G.M. StoryUsed I and Sup...
summer n[They] have by leave of the former Governors and Proprietors erected severall stages and...
summer nThe English have at all times used this Fishery on the Eastern coast and in Harbours and F...