small a. . . the hay was shaken out evenly over the mown ground and later raked into "winrows", a continuous pile of hay stretching the length of the field. These rows were then converted into small heaps - "smallcocks" in Mirimichi and Avalon, . . . from three to five feet in diameter at the base. In the Avalon these cocks were merged next day into larger "save-cocks" out in the meadow.DNE-cit W. J. KIRWIN FEB 1973JH FEB 1973Used I and SupNot usedWithdrawn~ MADEIRA, ~ MERCHANTABLE, ~ THIRDS1, WEST a: ~ INDIA, ~ BEDLAMER, ~ MIDDLER/MEDLER, ~ BOAT, ~ seed, Small seedChecked by Raji Sreeni on Sun 23 Aug 2015; Stamped but not use