feeder nCheck if a generic and if in many place-names.DNE SUP PRINTED ITEM[check] WK G.M. StoryFEB 15 1989Used IUsed IWithdrawnwithdrawn but no stamp; Card marked DNE Sup but not used
factor nperson at HBCPRINTED ITEM DNE SupMAR 31 1989 [check] WKG.M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawn...
groundsee 1623 cite at _west country_PRINTED ITEM DNE SupG. M. Story DEC. 1 1987WKUsed I and SupUs...
bay nPRINTED ITEM DNE SupSeems strange to me. Why bay.FEB 28 1989 WK G. M. StoryUsed I and SupNo...
feeder n171 ? Add feeder. [In other dicts??]E R Seary 9 Nov SUP[check] WK JAN 23 1983G.M. Stor...
feeder nWe left our canoe at the feeder, as the water was starting to freeze up, and moved to the s...
blink nsee ice blink.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupAUG 13 1988 G.M. Story[check] WKNot usedNot usedWithdrawn...
guardianFEB 8 1989 WKG. M. StoryPRINTED ITEM DNE SupUsed I and SupUsed I and SupNot usedThis card ...
feed nAt the teams arrived, the stone hearth in the dogs' feed house would be strung with rows of...
bottom ngeneric Bull Bottom An interior feature.DNE SUP PRINTED ITEMMAR 11 1988 G.M. Story[c...
section manFlynn, Wm section man. Wm.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupGMS G.M. StoryJAN 10 1988 WKNot used...
spirit nBufflehead [Not in DNE] QureyPRINTED ITEM DNE SupWK MAR 2 1988G.M. StoryNot usedNot use...
sea nPRINTED ITEM DNE Sup15 Oct 87 WKG.M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawnCard marked DNE-sup, but n...
m�tisPRINTED ITEM DNE SupFEB 8 1989 WKG. M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawnEditor's stamps indicat...
bully 1 nA 'Bully Boat' turned into a Dwelling .PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup?a: [DNE bully� n 2]NOV 30 1...
beaver1Take the roots from a beaver tree.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupAny idea? None! ...
factor nperson at HBCPRINTED ITEM DNE SupMAR 31 1989 [check] WKG.M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawn...
groundsee 1623 cite at _west country_PRINTED ITEM DNE SupG. M. Story DEC. 1 1987WKUsed I and SupUs...
bay nPRINTED ITEM DNE SupSeems strange to me. Why bay.FEB 28 1989 WK G. M. StoryUsed I and SupNo...
feeder n171 ? Add feeder. [In other dicts??]E R Seary 9 Nov SUP[check] WK JAN 23 1983G.M. Stor...
feeder nWe left our canoe at the feeder, as the water was starting to freeze up, and moved to the s...
blink nsee ice blink.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupAUG 13 1988 G.M. Story[check] WKNot usedNot usedWithdrawn...
guardianFEB 8 1989 WKG. M. StoryPRINTED ITEM DNE SupUsed I and SupUsed I and SupNot usedThis card ...
feed nAt the teams arrived, the stone hearth in the dogs' feed house would be strung with rows of...
bottom ngeneric Bull Bottom An interior feature.DNE SUP PRINTED ITEMMAR 11 1988 G.M. Story[c...
section manFlynn, Wm section man. Wm.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupGMS G.M. StoryJAN 10 1988 WKNot used...
spirit nBufflehead [Not in DNE] QureyPRINTED ITEM DNE SupWK MAR 2 1988G.M. StoryNot usedNot use...
sea nPRINTED ITEM DNE Sup15 Oct 87 WKG.M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawnCard marked DNE-sup, but n...
m�tisPRINTED ITEM DNE SupFEB 8 1989 WKG. M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawnEditor's stamps indicat...
bully 1 nA 'Bully Boat' turned into a Dwelling .PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup?a: [DNE bully� n 2]NOV 30 1...
beaver1Take the roots from a beaver tree.PRINTED ITEM DNE SupAny idea? None! ...
factor nperson at HBCPRINTED ITEM DNE SupMAR 31 1989 [check] WKG.M. StoryNot usedNot usedWithdrawn...
groundsee 1623 cite at _west country_PRINTED ITEM DNE SupG. M. Story DEC. 1 1987WKUsed I and SupUs...
bay nPRINTED ITEM DNE SupSeems strange to me. Why bay.FEB 28 1989 WK G. M. StoryUsed I and SupNo...