cod trap nThe cod trap, invented by a Newfoundlander in the last century, is the most efficient mass-producer of in-shore fish ever devised. It is a big, box-shaped net with four sides and a bottom, it's edges held up by floats, a set of inward-slanting doors in one end with a long leader running into the opening. The fish meet the leader, follow it past the doors into the trap, and then are unable to find their way out again. I have seen traps filled with so much fish that two or even three big boats could be loaded from one of them.PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit G. M. Story JAN 1970 JH 1/70Used I and SupUsed I and Sup1Not UsedTRAP1, cod-trap berth, BERTH, cod-trap crew, CREW, cod-trap fishery, cod-trap linnet, LINNET, cod-tra...