clap dish nrefers to mouthDNE-cit JHJUN 1973 JH JUN 1973Used Inot usedNot usedChecked by Cathy Wiseman on Mon 12 Oct 2015; head word contains a hyphen; Card marked DNE-cit but not use
damper n"Put the bread in rise; pinch off dough; fry on damper"DNE-cit AUG 25 1965W.J. KIRWINUsed...
civil aYes, I goes out (to the lobster pots) if it's civil.DNE-cit G.M. StoryMay, 1966Used I and Su...
frailMy mother refers to a large stack of dishes waiting to be washed as"a frail of dishes " .DNE-...
clap dish nExplanation: Talk very fast Clap dish- TONGUE A...
clap dish"Your tongue never stops; it's like a 'Miller's Clap Dish' " This is what my mother would ...
clap dish n"She's got a tongue like a miller's clap dish". My mother often used this phrase to d...
jowl nDNE-cit JUN. 5 1978Used Inot used2Not Usedjole, CHEEK, FACE, jowl-manChecked by Adrian Young ...
clap dish n* "Tongue like a miller's Clapdish" - ( Clapdish means clashing of dishes to make a noi...
chum o' the crew, you see, was chumin' a girl, see, around the island. ( ie courting, ...
aps n(varying pronunciations of aps tree, but the crucial factors of previous word, possible jun...
cardeen n[pronunciation item]YesJW 30 July 1979Used IUsed INot usedcarjel*,carjoChecked by Cathy W...
deadman nDeadman's Daisy: _Achillea Millefolium_ L.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryAPR 1970 JH 4/70DNE-citU...
chaw nn. A talk; conversation. [ see 'chew the fat'] 'chin-waggin'yesPRINTED ITEM DNE-citJuly ...
dialectExtreme spelling devicesExtreme spelling devices[check] WK JUL 10 1988Not usedNot usedNot us...
cantn. Sayings. "Low, vulgar _cants_." [see 'quism']SayingsPRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M. Story July ...
damper n"Put the bread in rise; pinch off dough; fry on damper"DNE-cit AUG 25 1965W.J. KIRWINUsed...
civil aYes, I goes out (to the lobster pots) if it's civil.DNE-cit G.M. StoryMay, 1966Used I and Su...
frailMy mother refers to a large stack of dishes waiting to be washed as"a frail of dishes " .DNE-...
clap dish nExplanation: Talk very fast Clap dish- TONGUE A...
clap dish"Your tongue never stops; it's like a 'Miller's Clap Dish' " This is what my mother would ...
clap dish n"She's got a tongue like a miller's clap dish". My mother often used this phrase to d...
jowl nDNE-cit JUN. 5 1978Used Inot used2Not Usedjole, CHEEK, FACE, jowl-manChecked by Adrian Young ...
clap dish n* "Tongue like a miller's Clapdish" - ( Clapdish means clashing of dishes to make a noi...
chum o' the crew, you see, was chumin' a girl, see, around the island. ( ie courting, ...
aps n(varying pronunciations of aps tree, but the crucial factors of previous word, possible jun...
cardeen n[pronunciation item]YesJW 30 July 1979Used IUsed INot usedcarjel*,carjoChecked by Cathy W...
deadman nDeadman's Daisy: _Achillea Millefolium_ L.PRINTED ITEM G.M. StoryAPR 1970 JH 4/70DNE-citU...
chaw nn. A talk; conversation. [ see 'chew the fat'] 'chin-waggin'yesPRINTED ITEM DNE-citJuly ...
dialectExtreme spelling devicesExtreme spelling devices[check] WK JUL 10 1988Not usedNot usedNot us...
cantn. Sayings. "Low, vulgar _cants_." [see 'quism']SayingsPRINTED ITEM DNE-citG.M. Story July ...
damper n"Put the bread in rise; pinch off dough; fry on damper"DNE-cit AUG 25 1965W.J. KIRWINUsed...
civil aYes, I goes out (to the lobster pots) if it's civil.DNE-cit G.M. StoryMay, 1966Used I and Su...
frailMy mother refers to a large stack of dishes waiting to be washed as"a frail of dishes " .DNE-...