christmas n.What has a head like a codfish, a multi-colored body about a foot long, and usually appears only on Christmas Eve?..The identity of the 'Christmas fish of Garnish' remains a secret after almost 60 years. Local legend, alledgedly supported by local experience, has it that on Christmas Eve--and only then-- a small brook near the Burin Peninsula town...yields up a plentiful supply of the strange, colorful fish to all comers...Folklore or fact?...The fish [are said to] have spotted bodies..and sport an array of, pink, red and yellow. [consult Mr Reeves, Hist. Dept]PRINTED ITEM DNE SupG.M.Story JAN. 10 1989[check] WKUsed I and SupUsed I and Sup4Not usedblow the christmas pudding, christmas apple, ...