Many-dimensional observables on Łukasiewicz tribe: constructions, conditioning and conditional independence

  • Kroupa, Tomáš
Publication date
January 2005
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


summary:Probability on collections of fuzzy sets can be developed as a generalization of the classical probability on $\sigma $-algebras of sets. A Łukasiewicz tribe is a collection of fuzzy sets which is closed under the standard fuzzy complementation and under the pointwise application of the Łukasiewicz t-norm to countably many fuzzy sets. An observable is a fuzzy set-valued mapping defined on a $\sigma $-algebra of sets and satisfying some additional properties; formally, the role of an observable is in a sense analogous to that of a random variable in classical probability theory. This article aims at studying and surveying some properties of observables on a Łukasiewicz tribe of fuzzy sets with a special focus on many-dimensional obse...

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