Conservation of Bridle Shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) in Connecticut: Issues in Detecting an Elusive Species

  • Pregler, Kasey C
Publication date
August 2014


Bridle Shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) is apparently declining over most of its range and is currently listed as a species of concern in Connecticut. Using an occupancy modeling framework in program PRESENCE, my study compared seining and electrofishing backpack unit detection probabilities of Bridle Shiner. This research indicated the apparent decline of Bridle Shiner in the state was in part due to changes in sampling gear used for statewide surveys. Seining used 50 years ago was demonstrably more effective at capturing Bridle Shiner than the currently favored and more frequently used electrofishing gear. In light of this recent finding, I seined at known historic sites in Connecticut and found that some populations once thought to be extirp...

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