Für 112.253 pflanzensoziologische Aufnahmen der Niederlande wurden Berechnungen zur Pflanzenartenvielfalt durchgeführt. Eine Korrelationsanalyse zeigt den hochsignifikanten Zusammenhang der Artenvielfalt mit verschiedenen Standortsparametern auf. Artenreiche Bestände sind in den Niederlanden vor allem im Offenland, hier besonders in Zwergbinsenfluren (Isoeto-Nanojuncetea), in Trocken- und Steppenrasen (Koelerio-Corynephoretea, Festuco-Brometea), Flachmooren (Parvocaricetea), Borstgrasrasen (Nardetea), im Wirtschaftsgrünland (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) und Saumgesellschaften (Trifolio-Geranietea, Saginetea) zu finden. Artenarmut ist unter den verschiedensten ökologischen Bedingungen zu finden. Die sehr artenarmen Bestände repräsentieren hä...
The vegetation of the valley of the rivulet Merkske; an evaluation based on a floristic investigatio...
In dit proefschrift heb is onderzocht wat mogelijkheden zijn om het invasief potentieel van geïntrod...
Ausgehend von der für eine Assoziation notwendigen charakteristischen Arten- bzw. Artengruppenkombin...
In Dutch forests the species density of vascular plants ranges from I to 61 species per 300 m2. The ...
The nature of the plant community has been a long-standing point of discussion in vegetation science...
Botanical diversity is under high pressure in densily populated countries and protected areas play a...
Abstract. Information on bryophyte diversity and rarity were combined with information on soil 2 con...
Flora statistics as a contribution to the evaluation of nature areas Flora statistics of an area are...
Quantitative information about the distribution of plant species can play an important role in flora...
Bij herdeterminatie van Potamogeton-exemplaren van de collectie in het Milieu Educatie Centrum in Ei...
In 1987 a first version of the ecological species groups for the Netherlands was published. The grou...
We examined for a number of plant species if they were part of the natural flora of arable fields in...
The research on segetal flora and agricultural ecosystems has gained special importance in recent ye...
Dianlhus armeria was formerly considered to be a characteristic species of the Trifolio-Geranietea i...
Rubus scrubs belong to the least known and understood vegetation types in Europe. At least in part t...
The vegetation of the valley of the rivulet Merkske; an evaluation based on a floristic investigatio...
In dit proefschrift heb is onderzocht wat mogelijkheden zijn om het invasief potentieel van geïntrod...
Ausgehend von der für eine Assoziation notwendigen charakteristischen Arten- bzw. Artengruppenkombin...
In Dutch forests the species density of vascular plants ranges from I to 61 species per 300 m2. The ...
The nature of the plant community has been a long-standing point of discussion in vegetation science...
Botanical diversity is under high pressure in densily populated countries and protected areas play a...
Abstract. Information on bryophyte diversity and rarity were combined with information on soil 2 con...
Flora statistics as a contribution to the evaluation of nature areas Flora statistics of an area are...
Quantitative information about the distribution of plant species can play an important role in flora...
Bij herdeterminatie van Potamogeton-exemplaren van de collectie in het Milieu Educatie Centrum in Ei...
In 1987 a first version of the ecological species groups for the Netherlands was published. The grou...
We examined for a number of plant species if they were part of the natural flora of arable fields in...
The research on segetal flora and agricultural ecosystems has gained special importance in recent ye...
Dianlhus armeria was formerly considered to be a characteristic species of the Trifolio-Geranietea i...
Rubus scrubs belong to the least known and understood vegetation types in Europe. At least in part t...
The vegetation of the valley of the rivulet Merkske; an evaluation based on a floristic investigatio...
In dit proefschrift heb is onderzocht wat mogelijkheden zijn om het invasief potentieel van geïntrod...
Ausgehend von der für eine Assoziation notwendigen charakteristischen Arten- bzw. Artengruppenkombin...