The post-Caledonian exhumation history of NW Scotland is a controversial issue, with some studies advocating largely continual emergence whereas others suggest dominantly early Palaeogene plume-driven exhumation. Apatite fission-track analysis (AFTA) data for samples of Precambrian basement and Permian–Cretaceous sediments from onshore and offshore reveal multiple phases of post-Caledonian cooling: Triassic (beginning 245–225 Ma), Cretaceous (140–130 Ma; 110–90 Ma) and Cenozoic (65–60 Ma; 40–25 Ma; 15–10 Ma), all of which are interpreted at least in part as recording exhumation. Basement and sedimentary cover rocks display similar thermal histories, emphasizing the regional nature of these episodes and implying that sedimentary outliers rep...