Comprehensive and accurate tracking of carbon origin of LC-tandem mass spectrometry collisional fragments for 13C-MFA

  • Kappelmann, Jannick
  • Klein, Bianca
  • Geilenkirchen, Petra
  • Noack, Stephan
Publication date
January 2017
Springer Science and Business Media LLC


In recent years the benefit of measuring positionally resolved 13C-labeling enrichment from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) collisional fragments for improved precision of 13C-Metabolic Flux Analysis (13C-MFA) has become evident. However, the usage of positional labeling information for 13C-MFA faces two challenges: (1) The mass spectrometric acquisition of a large number of potentially interfering mass transitions may hamper accuracy and sensitivity. (2) The positional identity of carbon atoms of product ions needs to be known. The present contribution addresses the latter challenge by deducing the maximal positional labeling information contained in LC-ESI-MS/MS spectra of product anions of central metabolism as well as product cations o...

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