Lincoln, Nebr. , September 19, 1888. Sir: Aside from a very limited number of species such as are always more or less injurious, the insect depredations in the State of Nebraska have been unusually few and light during the present year. Among these latter I will notice in brief the following as having attracted my attention at the time of their occurrence: Plum weevils (Conotrachelus nenuphar and Coccotorus scutellaria), the Codling Moth (Carpoeapsa pomonella), Cabbage butterflies (Pieris protodiee and P. rapai), the Army-worm (Leucania unipuncta), the Large Willow Saw-fly (Cimbex americana), the Box-elder Aphid (Chaitophorus negundinis), the Maple-tree Caterpillar (Anisota rubicunda), the Corn-root Worm (Diabrotica longicomis), and the Str...