Background: The percentage of intercourse among university students in Semarang city are increase year by year. The occurred of premarital sex was influence by sexual attitude that representation by 3 components such as label for premarital sexual behavior and rules of applications; evaluation summary about premarital sexual behavior; and supportive knowledge structure toward evaluating process.Objective: The objective of this study was to knowing about the cognitive process of premarital sexual behavior in Semarang. Methode: The explorative study used qualitative approach. There were 10 university students joined in depth interview. · Result: Premarital sexual behavior is still continuing and it's become a latent behavior. It's because of...
: Premarital sex is one of the biggest problems regarding various case of juvenile delinquency. Teen...
Perilaku seksual pranikah adalah gejala atau tingkah laku yang di dorong oleh hasrat seksual terhada...
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the public perception of premarital sex behav...
Background: The percentage of intercourse among university students in Semarang city are increase ye...
Premarital sexual behavior has a negative impact that unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Based on data...
ABSTRACT The premarital sex behavior is a problem and social phenomenon that is increasingly preval...
Pre-marital sexual behavior to cousesunexpected pregnancies, abortions and other reproduction helath...
This study aims to determine the effect of reproductive health counseling on adolescent attitudes ab...
Objective: Â The Purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of attitude and knowledge of ...
This research describes about factors that influence adolescent attitudes toward premarital sex . me...
Backround. This research is motivated by indication of sexsuality behavior in adolescent, although t...
Angka perilaku seks pranikah dikalangan mahasiswa semakin hari semakin meningkat sementara mayoritas...
Backround.This research is motivated by indication of sexsuality behavior in adolescent, although th...
This research aims to examine the effect of reproduction health education toward the reduction of pr...
The premarital sexual behavior adolescent has become a social problem in the community. Free sexual ...
: Premarital sex is one of the biggest problems regarding various case of juvenile delinquency. Teen...
Perilaku seksual pranikah adalah gejala atau tingkah laku yang di dorong oleh hasrat seksual terhada...
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the public perception of premarital sex behav...
Background: The percentage of intercourse among university students in Semarang city are increase ye...
Premarital sexual behavior has a negative impact that unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Based on data...
ABSTRACT The premarital sex behavior is a problem and social phenomenon that is increasingly preval...
Pre-marital sexual behavior to cousesunexpected pregnancies, abortions and other reproduction helath...
This study aims to determine the effect of reproductive health counseling on adolescent attitudes ab...
Objective: Â The Purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of attitude and knowledge of ...
This research describes about factors that influence adolescent attitudes toward premarital sex . me...
Backround. This research is motivated by indication of sexsuality behavior in adolescent, although t...
Angka perilaku seks pranikah dikalangan mahasiswa semakin hari semakin meningkat sementara mayoritas...
Backround.This research is motivated by indication of sexsuality behavior in adolescent, although th...
This research aims to examine the effect of reproduction health education toward the reduction of pr...
The premarital sexual behavior adolescent has become a social problem in the community. Free sexual ...
: Premarital sex is one of the biggest problems regarding various case of juvenile delinquency. Teen...
Perilaku seksual pranikah adalah gejala atau tingkah laku yang di dorong oleh hasrat seksual terhada...
The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the public perception of premarital sex behav...