Studi vaksin inaktif bivalen AI isolat lokal subtipe H5N1 terhadap beberapa karakter genetik virus AI H5N1 padaayam layer dan broiler. Vaksin inaktif bivalen dari isolat lokal AI A/Ck/West Java/Smi-M6/2008 and A/Ck/westjava/Pwt-D10-39/2010. Ayam layer dan broiler komersial divaksinasi dengan vaksin inaktif bivalen AI isolat lokal,setelah 3 minggu vaksinasi ditantang dengan virus AI A/Ck/West Java/Smi-Part/2006, A/Ck/West Java/Subang-JAPFA-29/2007 and A /Ck/West Java/Smi-Rahm2/2011. Ayam layer vaksinasi mendapat perlindungan dari morbiditas,mortalitas dan penurunan ekskresi virus tantang dengan tingkat proteksi 90-100% sedangkan ayam layerkontrol mati dalam waktu 2-3 hari, sementara broiler yang divaksinasi tidak mendapatkan perlindungan dar...
In Indonesia, data on the phenotype of AI virus subtype H5N1 is very limited, due to the facilities ...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 is endemic in Indonesia especially in unvaccinated sec...
The purpose of this research was to identify avian influenza (AI) virus using serological and molecu...
Status of avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 in Indonesia until 2014 is still endemic in poultry and...
Program vaksinasi Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 pada ayam layer dalam peternakan umumnya dilakukan secar...
Sejak masuknya wabah penyakit eksotis Avian Influenza (AI) yang disebabkan oleh virus Influenza A (H...
Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 outbreak has become endemic in Indonesia since 2003. The disease ...
Vaccination is one of the chosen strategy for controling AI H5N1 in Indonesia. Vaccination able to i...
Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 outbreak has become endemic in Indonesia since 2003. The disease ...
Avian Influenza (AI) is a strategic communicable and zoonotic disease. The cause is a virus with Hig...
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi virus avian influenza (AI) subtipe H5N1 pada unggas dan l...
Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of Avian Flu Vaccine Subtype H5N1 o...
Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan studi filogenetik virus AI tipe A subtipe H5N1 isolat asal Provin...
A preliminary study related on vaccine safety and vaccination effectivity for controlling avian infl...
The aim of this research was to study level of protection of avian influenza (AI) commercial vaccine...
In Indonesia, data on the phenotype of AI virus subtype H5N1 is very limited, due to the facilities ...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 is endemic in Indonesia especially in unvaccinated sec...
The purpose of this research was to identify avian influenza (AI) virus using serological and molecu...
Status of avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 in Indonesia until 2014 is still endemic in poultry and...
Program vaksinasi Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 pada ayam layer dalam peternakan umumnya dilakukan secar...
Sejak masuknya wabah penyakit eksotis Avian Influenza (AI) yang disebabkan oleh virus Influenza A (H...
Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 outbreak has become endemic in Indonesia since 2003. The disease ...
Vaccination is one of the chosen strategy for controling AI H5N1 in Indonesia. Vaccination able to i...
Avian influenza virus subtype H5N1 outbreak has become endemic in Indonesia since 2003. The disease ...
Avian Influenza (AI) is a strategic communicable and zoonotic disease. The cause is a virus with Hig...
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan identifikasi virus avian influenza (AI) subtipe H5N1 pada unggas dan l...
Abstract The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of Avian Flu Vaccine Subtype H5N1 o...
Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan studi filogenetik virus AI tipe A subtipe H5N1 isolat asal Provin...
A preliminary study related on vaccine safety and vaccination effectivity for controlling avian infl...
The aim of this research was to study level of protection of avian influenza (AI) commercial vaccine...
In Indonesia, data on the phenotype of AI virus subtype H5N1 is very limited, due to the facilities ...
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 is endemic in Indonesia especially in unvaccinated sec...
The purpose of this research was to identify avian influenza (AI) virus using serological and molecu...