Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe group investigation (GI) dan model pembelajaran konvensional terhadap motivasi belajar dan pemahaman konsep Biologi siswa. Rancangan eksperimen penelitian adalah “Non-Randomized Post-Test Only Control Group Design”, dengan melibatkan dua kelas. Polpulasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Banjar tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Sampel diambil dari delapan kelas dengan tehnik Simpel Random Sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan MANOVA (Multivariat of Analisis Variance) dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 For Windows dengan taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan moti...
Observasi awal proses pembelajaran IPA di MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya cenderung belum bervariasi sert...
Investigation group is a type of cooperative learning which stresses on the participation, activenes...
This study was a quasi-experimental research, which aim to know the presence or absence of differenc...
Model pembelajaran mempengaruhi motivasi dan hasil belajar Biologi siswa sekolah menengah atas. Berd...
This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Baraka which employed two kinds of group experiment, nam...
This research aims to describe the effect of the Group Investigation (GI) and Jigsaw cooperative lea...
Research was conducted to determine the effect of group learning model investigations and motivation...
Research was conducted to determine the effect of group learning model investigations and motivation...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) terha...
ABSTRACT – The aim of the research was to know the influence of Group Investigation type (GI) of coo...
ABSTRACT Nengseh, Eka Budiarti. 2016. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Group Investigation (GI...
This study aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of group investigation learning model...
Learning achievement is a students capability while and after accept learning experience learning. L...
This research aims to determine the effect of the sigil-based investigative group (GI) type cooperat...
Observasi awal proses pembelajaran IPA di MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya cenderung belum bervariasi sert...
Observasi awal proses pembelajaran IPA di MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya cenderung belum bervariasi sert...
Investigation group is a type of cooperative learning which stresses on the participation, activenes...
This study was a quasi-experimental research, which aim to know the presence or absence of differenc...
Model pembelajaran mempengaruhi motivasi dan hasil belajar Biologi siswa sekolah menengah atas. Berd...
This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Baraka which employed two kinds of group experiment, nam...
This research aims to describe the effect of the Group Investigation (GI) and Jigsaw cooperative lea...
Research was conducted to determine the effect of group learning model investigations and motivation...
Research was conducted to determine the effect of group learning model investigations and motivation...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Group Investigation (GI) terha...
ABSTRACT – The aim of the research was to know the influence of Group Investigation type (GI) of coo...
ABSTRACT Nengseh, Eka Budiarti. 2016. Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Group Investigation (GI...
This study aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of group investigation learning model...
Learning achievement is a students capability while and after accept learning experience learning. L...
This research aims to determine the effect of the sigil-based investigative group (GI) type cooperat...
Observasi awal proses pembelajaran IPA di MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya cenderung belum bervariasi sert...
Observasi awal proses pembelajaran IPA di MTsN 1 Model Palangka Raya cenderung belum bervariasi sert...
Investigation group is a type of cooperative learning which stresses on the participation, activenes...
This study was a quasi-experimental research, which aim to know the presence or absence of differenc...