This final project report studies about the English teaching methods applied in 4th grade of SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang. The writer wants to know The English teaching methods and tries to find the appropriate method to create a possible environment for students getting good lesson. In collecting the data the writer had interviewed the Headmaster, the teacher and the students. The result from the analysis the English teaching method applied in 4th grade of SDN 03 Pendem, Mojogedang has still a number of problems during the teaching, not only from the teachers but also from the students. The writer chose Direct method and Communicative method to encourage students to use English in daily conversation. As a result, those methods are very good t...
This final project is written based on the job training that the writer has done as a temporary Eng...
This final project report is written based on the writer’s job training as an English teacher from ...
This final project is written based on the job training in SD N 02 Bejen Karanganyar. The purposes ...
This final project report explains the methods used in teaching English vocabularies to the 4th Gra...
This final project report is written based on the job training that had been done by the writer as ...
ABSTRACT YaniarCahyaAsri, 2014 .English Teaching And Learning Activities To The 4th Grade In SDNeger...
NURUL FITRIA SARI, 2008. The Activities in English Teaching and Learning of the 4th Grade in S...
Epik Tri Rahayu. 2008. The English Teaching and Learning Process to The Fourth Grade Students of S...
Putut Bayuaji, 2008. The Difficulties in Teaching English to the 4th Grade Students of Elementa...
2015. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This final pr...
This final project is written based on the job training which has been done from January until Febr...
This final project report was written based on the writer’s job training in MI Negeri Sukoharjo. Th...
This final project was written based on job training, which has been done by the writer on January ...
This final project is written based on the job training which has been done by the writer in SDN Sa...
ABSTRACT Chandra Mustika Rani, 2016. Preparing English Lessons for Grade 4 Students at SDN 02 Gentun...
This final project is written based on the job training that the writer has done as a temporary Eng...
This final project report is written based on the writer’s job training as an English teacher from ...
This final project is written based on the job training in SD N 02 Bejen Karanganyar. The purposes ...
This final project report explains the methods used in teaching English vocabularies to the 4th Gra...
This final project report is written based on the job training that had been done by the writer as ...
ABSTRACT YaniarCahyaAsri, 2014 .English Teaching And Learning Activities To The 4th Grade In SDNeger...
NURUL FITRIA SARI, 2008. The Activities in English Teaching and Learning of the 4th Grade in S...
Epik Tri Rahayu. 2008. The English Teaching and Learning Process to The Fourth Grade Students of S...
Putut Bayuaji, 2008. The Difficulties in Teaching English to the 4th Grade Students of Elementa...
2015. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This final pr...
This final project is written based on the job training which has been done from January until Febr...
This final project report was written based on the writer’s job training in MI Negeri Sukoharjo. Th...
This final project was written based on job training, which has been done by the writer on January ...
This final project is written based on the job training which has been done by the writer in SDN Sa...
ABSTRACT Chandra Mustika Rani, 2016. Preparing English Lessons for Grade 4 Students at SDN 02 Gentun...
This final project is written based on the job training that the writer has done as a temporary Eng...
This final project report is written based on the writer’s job training as an English teacher from ...
This final project is written based on the job training in SD N 02 Bejen Karanganyar. The purposes ...