The paper examines various typologies of the Indian metamorphic hero, starting with the avatāra-s of Visnu and going on with some fading hints of this mythical character in the smṛti literature, in the Bhagavadgītā, in the mythology of Indra. A better chance is offered by the cycle of the nāga-s. The metamorphic nature of these beings is scattered here and there in Buddhist and Brahmanical literature. The case of Uttanka in the Mahābhārata, the tale about a Buddihist nāga in the vinayapiṭaka and an episode from the Pañcatantra are taken into consideration. From the nagā-s we pass to examine a metaphoric typology related to Hanumat in the Rāmāyana, then the Bengalic story of a “magic pursuit”. The story of Māṇikcandra, Mayanātī ahd Gopīcandr...