This article examines two documents which represent a historical moment in the foundation of Ottoman government education in Damascus. These documents originate from the Sublime Council (Meclis-i Vâlâ) and addressed to the governor of Damascus as well as to the Ministry of Finances and to Keçecizâde Fuad Pasha. They entail the setting up of a local educational administration, to be directed by Mahmud Hamza Efendi, an ulema of Damascus, as well as the supervision of local pious foundations (vakf). The document texts reveal the main factors and worries of the Sublime Porte to invest in education at the aftermath of the civil war in Mount Lebanon (1858-60) as well as the massacre of Damascus (1860)
Coffee, has emerged as the food in Abyssinia. It was recognized in Yemen in the 15th century and has...
The archival practices of the Ottoman State can be learnt by analysing the devices that inspired the...
Bu çalışmada, Bursa ve ilçelerindeki mezarlık, hazire ve müzelerdeki, Osmanlı Devletinin kuruluşunda...
DergiPark: 326497trakyasobedEmrullah Efendi was one of the most important politician in the Ottoman ...
In the early 20th century, the Republic of Turkey has emerged as a nation state from the ashes of th...
reforms of Tanzimat and realized throughout the period of 1839–1882. These examinations are based on...
This article discusses the early decades of Ottoman government education in Diyarbakır and analyzes ...
Alan Mikhail gelişmekte olan Osmanlı çevre tarihi alanının en üretken isimlerinden biridir. Nature a...
Ibn Khaldun advocated that every political entity should be born, grown, developed and finally died ...
Son Osmanlı Padişahı VI. Mehmed’in Türkiye’yi terk etmesi hadisesi çok tartışılan bir konudur. Yazar...
Süleymaniye Complex in Damascus, built on the bank of Barada River as the last stop before the deser...
Osmanlı Batılılaşması tavandan tabana yayılan bir modernleşme sürecidir. Osmanlı Devleti ve aydınlar...
In the Ottoman Empire, which tried to centralize and increase its control upon the provinces through...
DergiPark: 326264trakyasobedHistoriography of studies of aesthetics and art disciplines in Turkey is...
The term "incunable", which refers to the historical development of the book after the printing pres...
Coffee, has emerged as the food in Abyssinia. It was recognized in Yemen in the 15th century and has...
The archival practices of the Ottoman State can be learnt by analysing the devices that inspired the...
Bu çalışmada, Bursa ve ilçelerindeki mezarlık, hazire ve müzelerdeki, Osmanlı Devletinin kuruluşunda...
DergiPark: 326497trakyasobedEmrullah Efendi was one of the most important politician in the Ottoman ...
In the early 20th century, the Republic of Turkey has emerged as a nation state from the ashes of th...
reforms of Tanzimat and realized throughout the period of 1839–1882. These examinations are based on...
This article discusses the early decades of Ottoman government education in Diyarbakır and analyzes ...
Alan Mikhail gelişmekte olan Osmanlı çevre tarihi alanının en üretken isimlerinden biridir. Nature a...
Ibn Khaldun advocated that every political entity should be born, grown, developed and finally died ...
Son Osmanlı Padişahı VI. Mehmed’in Türkiye’yi terk etmesi hadisesi çok tartışılan bir konudur. Yazar...
Süleymaniye Complex in Damascus, built on the bank of Barada River as the last stop before the deser...
Osmanlı Batılılaşması tavandan tabana yayılan bir modernleşme sürecidir. Osmanlı Devleti ve aydınlar...
In the Ottoman Empire, which tried to centralize and increase its control upon the provinces through...
DergiPark: 326264trakyasobedHistoriography of studies of aesthetics and art disciplines in Turkey is...
The term "incunable", which refers to the historical development of the book after the printing pres...
Coffee, has emerged as the food in Abyssinia. It was recognized in Yemen in the 15th century and has...
The archival practices of the Ottoman State can be learnt by analysing the devices that inspired the...
Bu çalışmada, Bursa ve ilçelerindeki mezarlık, hazire ve müzelerdeki, Osmanlı Devletinin kuruluşunda...