Sistem Jaminan Sosial Nasiaonal seperti yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Nomor: 40 tahun bertujuan untuk memberikan jaminan terpenuhinya kebutuhan dasar hidup yang layak bagi setiap peserta dan atau anggota keluarganya. Salah satu unsur yang menjadi bagian dari jaminan sosial ini adalah jaminan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Jaminan kesehatan ini diperuntukkan bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Saat ini yang menjadi program jangka pendek adalah terlaksananya jaminan kesehatan yang diperuntukkan bagi Penerima Bantuan luran (PBI) yang dilaksanakan mulai 1 Januari 2005. Penelitian tentang implementasi jaminan kesehatan yang dilaksanakan di Kota Semarang ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kejelasan prosedur/kelengkapan dalam pelayanan kesehatan, pe...
Pelayanan kesehatan menjadi pusat perhatian publik dan harus menjadi prioritas pemerintah! “Kesehata...
Poverty is a problem in Indonesia, which until now hasn't been resolved. Semarang is a city with the...
Health services is one of the basic services that are needed by the community. Health services as a ...
Health is a fundamental right for citizen in this nation. Every body has a right of the health care ...
Based on Constitution of 1945 and Act Number 36, 2009 about health suggests that any individuals, fa...
Pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai merupakan hak bagi seluruh masyarakat, tak terkecuali bagi ...
Jaminan Kesehatan Sepintu Sedulang (JKSS) is a form of public policy in improving basic services as ...
The provision of health insurance to the people of Indonesia is a form of government to carry out th...
Semarang has been well-known as the city with the highest poverty rate in Central Java, compared wit...
Jaminan kesehatan di Indonesia bukanlah suatu hal yang baru, dari tahun 1985 Indonesia sudah mengena...
Pemerintah bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan masyarakat melalui sistem Jaminan So...
The implementasi Askeskin (The health insurencepolicy for the poor) has increased the poor accessibi...
Implementation of the social health insurance based on the National Social Security Acf/SJSN (Law No...
Public services is a service which provided by the government to all the community without exception...
Pelayanan kesehatan menjadi pusat perhatian publik dan harus menjadi prioritas pemerintah! “Kesehata...
Poverty is a problem in Indonesia, which until now hasn't been resolved. Semarang is a city with the...
Health services is one of the basic services that are needed by the community. Health services as a ...
Health is a fundamental right for citizen in this nation. Every body has a right of the health care ...
Based on Constitution of 1945 and Act Number 36, 2009 about health suggests that any individuals, fa...
Pelayanan kesehatan yang memadai merupakan hak bagi seluruh masyarakat, tak terkecuali bagi ...
Jaminan Kesehatan Sepintu Sedulang (JKSS) is a form of public policy in improving basic services as ...
The provision of health insurance to the people of Indonesia is a form of government to carry out th...
Semarang has been well-known as the city with the highest poverty rate in Central Java, compared wit...
Jaminan kesehatan di Indonesia bukanlah suatu hal yang baru, dari tahun 1985 Indonesia sudah mengena...
Pemerintah bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan jaminan kesehatan masyarakat melalui sistem Jaminan So...
The implementasi Askeskin (The health insurencepolicy for the poor) has increased the poor accessibi...
Implementation of the social health insurance based on the National Social Security Acf/SJSN (Law No...
Public services is a service which provided by the government to all the community without exception...
Pelayanan kesehatan menjadi pusat perhatian publik dan harus menjadi prioritas pemerintah! “Kesehata...
Poverty is a problem in Indonesia, which until now hasn't been resolved. Semarang is a city with the...
Health services is one of the basic services that are needed by the community. Health services as a ...