This study, analyzes stock price movement in Jakarta Stock Exchange around Gus Dur & Mega election. That event has caused fluctuation on several stock market indicators. One of the stock market indicators that sharply fluctuated was Composite Stock Price index. Fluctuation in Composite Stock Price Index can cause abnormal return for investors. It indicated risk that inight be earned by investors because the event of Gus Dur & Mega election. The purposes of this study are aimed to analyze whether investors earned significant abnormal return caused by that event, and analyze stock price movement before and after Gus Dur & Mega election. This study also tries to explain what factors influencing fluctuation in Composite Stock Price Index. The...
Stock market has a high risk, especially political risk. Investors also invest theirmoney in foreign...
This research is an event study that aims to find out whether there is empirical evidence of the rea...
There are two factors that affect composite stock price index, they are internal and external factor...
Stock market connects parties which needs long term budget with other parties’ requiring means of in...
Political and economic events which occured in Indonesia or other country will affect the performan...
Abstract. Presidential election is considered as relevant information for stock market’s inves...
Stock is capital shares sign to a limited liability company. Yet, the Indonesia Composite Index was ...
The General Election of DKI Jakarta Governor Year 2017 is a political events affecting the capital m...
This is a research study to find out the event influence national political activities against the s...
The data used in this research is secondary data from 30 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchang...
The aim of the study is to determine the impact of the 2009 Presidential Election to the changes of...
The purpose of this study is to analyze stock market reaction to national election on April 5, 2004 ...
Political events are one of the events that can affect the price and trading volume on the stock ex...
Election is one of the political events that influence on a country’s economy. Capital market as o...
There are several factors influence stock market reactions, namely political events. This paper uses...
Stock market has a high risk, especially political risk. Investors also invest theirmoney in foreign...
This research is an event study that aims to find out whether there is empirical evidence of the rea...
There are two factors that affect composite stock price index, they are internal and external factor...
Stock market connects parties which needs long term budget with other parties’ requiring means of in...
Political and economic events which occured in Indonesia or other country will affect the performan...
Abstract. Presidential election is considered as relevant information for stock market’s inves...
Stock is capital shares sign to a limited liability company. Yet, the Indonesia Composite Index was ...
The General Election of DKI Jakarta Governor Year 2017 is a political events affecting the capital m...
This is a research study to find out the event influence national political activities against the s...
The data used in this research is secondary data from 30 companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchang...
The aim of the study is to determine the impact of the 2009 Presidential Election to the changes of...
The purpose of this study is to analyze stock market reaction to national election on April 5, 2004 ...
Political events are one of the events that can affect the price and trading volume on the stock ex...
Election is one of the political events that influence on a country’s economy. Capital market as o...
There are several factors influence stock market reactions, namely political events. This paper uses...
Stock market has a high risk, especially political risk. Investors also invest theirmoney in foreign...
This research is an event study that aims to find out whether there is empirical evidence of the rea...
There are two factors that affect composite stock price index, they are internal and external factor...