The colonization of land by plants appears to have coincided with the appearance of mycorrhiza-like fungi. Over evolutionary time, fungi have maintained their prominent role in the formation of mycorrhizal associations. In addition, however, they have been able to occupy other terrestrial niches of which the decomposition of recalcitrant organic matter is perhaps the most remarkable. This implies that, in contrast to that of aquatic organic matter decomposition, bacteria have not been able to monopolize decomposition processes in terrestrial ecosystems. The emergence of fungi in terrestrial ecosystems must have had a strong impact on the evolution of terrestrial bacteria. On the one hand, potential decomposition niches, e.g. lignin degradat...
Abstract Soil microorganisms evolved several strategies to compete for limited nutrients in soil. Ba...
The interactions between bacteria and fungi, the main actors of the soil microbiome, remain poorly s...
The extraradical mycelium (ERM) of mycorrhizal fungi constitutes an important pathway for the transl...
The colonization of land by plants appears to have coincided with the appearance of mycorrhiza-like ...
In this chapter, we review the existing literature on bacterial fungal interactions in soil, explori...
In this chapter, we review the existing literature on bacterial fungal interactions in soil, explori...
Microbial life plays a key role in soil functioning, as it is involved in the biogeochemical cycles ...
Fungi are ubiquitous in the aquatic and terrestrial environments, occurring as unicellular yeasts, p...
Soil represents a very heterogeneous environment for its microbiota. Among the soil inhabitants, bac...
Fungi and bacteria are found living together in a wide variety of environments. Their interactions a...
Bacteria and fungi dominate the decomposition of aquatic plants, a major process in the carbon and n...
Fungi are of fundamental importance in the terrestrial environment. They have roles as decomposers, ...
An expectation in soil ecology is that a microbial communities' fungal:bacterial dominance indicates...
Soil bacteria and fungi are known to form niche-specific communities that differ between actively gr...
Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles Fungi have important roles in the cycling of elements in the biospher...
Abstract Soil microorganisms evolved several strategies to compete for limited nutrients in soil. Ba...
The interactions between bacteria and fungi, the main actors of the soil microbiome, remain poorly s...
The extraradical mycelium (ERM) of mycorrhizal fungi constitutes an important pathway for the transl...
The colonization of land by plants appears to have coincided with the appearance of mycorrhiza-like ...
In this chapter, we review the existing literature on bacterial fungal interactions in soil, explori...
In this chapter, we review the existing literature on bacterial fungal interactions in soil, explori...
Microbial life plays a key role in soil functioning, as it is involved in the biogeochemical cycles ...
Fungi are ubiquitous in the aquatic and terrestrial environments, occurring as unicellular yeasts, p...
Soil represents a very heterogeneous environment for its microbiota. Among the soil inhabitants, bac...
Fungi and bacteria are found living together in a wide variety of environments. Their interactions a...
Bacteria and fungi dominate the decomposition of aquatic plants, a major process in the carbon and n...
Fungi are of fundamental importance in the terrestrial environment. They have roles as decomposers, ...
An expectation in soil ecology is that a microbial communities' fungal:bacterial dominance indicates...
Soil bacteria and fungi are known to form niche-specific communities that differ between actively gr...
Fungi in Biogeochemical Cycles Fungi have important roles in the cycling of elements in the biospher...
Abstract Soil microorganisms evolved several strategies to compete for limited nutrients in soil. Ba...
The interactions between bacteria and fungi, the main actors of the soil microbiome, remain poorly s...
The extraradical mycelium (ERM) of mycorrhizal fungi constitutes an important pathway for the transl...