Cadastral boundaries are the invisible lines that separate land into individual parcels. The Digital Cadastral Data Base (DCDB) is a graphical representation of the cadastral boundaries held in an electronic form. This data forms a base layer in Graphical Information Systems (GIS) however the lack of spatial accuracy may limit the usefulness of the system
Cadastral surveying is concerned with the process of gathering evidence in the form of position info...
The GIS Industry has digitised cadastre from the best available paper maps over the last few decades...
Land ownership is a fundamental layer in most geographic information systems (GIS). Many attributes ...
For centuries information describing a parcel of land has been presented in the form of a hard copy ...
To develop and realize a geocentric based Cadastral Control Data Base.To establish methodology for t...
By the last decade of the last century, the worldwide cadastral community was advocating for a new m...
A multi-purpose cadastre is the goal of most countries today. Cadastral information is also a key la...
The process of extracting land records information especially cadastral data for a large number of c...
Cadastral surveying is primarily concerned with the process of gathering evidence in the form of pos...
The eKadaster system depended solely on the use of coordinated cadastral database known as the Natio...
[Abstract]: The surveying profession continues to suffer from a shortage of personnel in a time when...
This is a paper from the Regional Conference on Managing Geographic Information Systems for Success ...
Connecting cadastral survey plans to the State control survey is vital to ensure the integrity of th...
Coordinated Cadastral System (CCS) – a cadastral reform programme to improve the cadastral survey sy...
Cadastral fabric is perceived as a feasible solution to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of...
Cadastral surveying is concerned with the process of gathering evidence in the form of position info...
The GIS Industry has digitised cadastre from the best available paper maps over the last few decades...
Land ownership is a fundamental layer in most geographic information systems (GIS). Many attributes ...
For centuries information describing a parcel of land has been presented in the form of a hard copy ...
To develop and realize a geocentric based Cadastral Control Data Base.To establish methodology for t...
By the last decade of the last century, the worldwide cadastral community was advocating for a new m...
A multi-purpose cadastre is the goal of most countries today. Cadastral information is also a key la...
The process of extracting land records information especially cadastral data for a large number of c...
Cadastral surveying is primarily concerned with the process of gathering evidence in the form of pos...
The eKadaster system depended solely on the use of coordinated cadastral database known as the Natio...
[Abstract]: The surveying profession continues to suffer from a shortage of personnel in a time when...
This is a paper from the Regional Conference on Managing Geographic Information Systems for Success ...
Connecting cadastral survey plans to the State control survey is vital to ensure the integrity of th...
Coordinated Cadastral System (CCS) – a cadastral reform programme to improve the cadastral survey sy...
Cadastral fabric is perceived as a feasible solution to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of...
Cadastral surveying is concerned with the process of gathering evidence in the form of position info...
The GIS Industry has digitised cadastre from the best available paper maps over the last few decades...
Land ownership is a fundamental layer in most geographic information systems (GIS). Many attributes ...