التطور الترسيبي لرواسب البلايوسين العلوي والبلايستوسين في مناطق السلاموني والصوامعة شرق - شمال شرق سوهاج - مصر

  • Mahran, Tawfiq M. [توفيق محمد مهران]
Publication date
January 1995
Qatar University


The Upper Pliocene- pleistocene Nile sediments cropping out in the areas around El Salamony and El Sawamha Sharq constitute two terraces including five facies ; flood plain , talus and lacustrine facies in the upper terrace skirting the Eocene scrap and fluviatile (channels and flood plain) facies in the lower terrace near the cultivated land. Distribution and facies changes exhibited by these sediments, in this particular area , proved that the early stage of sedimentation started with the accumulation of flood plain fine siliciclastics in the local bays during the Late Pliocene. In the second stage ( Early Pleistocene), the easterly trending structurally- controlled wadis were active , thus leading to deposition of great coarse terrigen...

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