This paper examines how the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) portrayed “Brazilianess” during its six-season run. Although the program was recognized for its positive portrayal of female friendship and was usually praised for its association with female empowerment through story line, sexually explicit dialogue, and their successful careers we demonstrate how when it comes to Brazilianess and Brazilians, the program relied on stereotypical non-empowering and somewhat unrealistic portrayals. As Brazilian scholars and feminists we hope to question and explore the ways that Brazilianess, is portrayed in United States media more broadly and television specifi cally. We are focusing on Brazilianess in an attempt to move away from character spec...
This paper aims to investigate racial representation in Brazilian Soap Operas broadcasted by the mai...
Since the late 1960s TV Globo, Brazil’s largest and most commercially successful broadcast network, ...
Feminist media studies in the US and the UK have built a strong tradition of research, which has aim...
This paper examines how the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) portrayed “Brazilianess” during its s...
This paper revisits the literature on media and gender studies in search of works that help to disc...
textOn April 16, 2012, the much awaited primetime telenovela appropriately titled Cheias de Charme p...
Abstract This article shows the importance of the communication channels as a contributor to the dev...
Although Brazil is composed of an overwhelmingly large population of African descendants, they are u...
Only For You! Brazilians and the Telenovela Flow is an anthropological study of the reception of a p...
O presente trabalho utiliza o circuito de cultura de Richard Johnson como ferramenta para refletir a...
textBrazil was the first country in South America to launch a television network and air television ...
Este artigo trata das representações sobre as mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa, explorando q...
Telenovelas have long been the most popular and widely consumed television product in Brazil. Howeve...
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. ...
Este artigo trata das representações sobre as mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa, explorando q...
This paper aims to investigate racial representation in Brazilian Soap Operas broadcasted by the mai...
Since the late 1960s TV Globo, Brazil’s largest and most commercially successful broadcast network, ...
Feminist media studies in the US and the UK have built a strong tradition of research, which has aim...
This paper examines how the HBO series Sex and the City (SATC) portrayed “Brazilianess” during its s...
This paper revisits the literature on media and gender studies in search of works that help to disc...
textOn April 16, 2012, the much awaited primetime telenovela appropriately titled Cheias de Charme p...
Abstract This article shows the importance of the communication channels as a contributor to the dev...
Although Brazil is composed of an overwhelmingly large population of African descendants, they are u...
Only For You! Brazilians and the Telenovela Flow is an anthropological study of the reception of a p...
O presente trabalho utiliza o circuito de cultura de Richard Johnson como ferramenta para refletir a...
textBrazil was the first country in South America to launch a television network and air television ...
Este artigo trata das representações sobre as mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa, explorando q...
Telenovelas have long been the most popular and widely consumed television product in Brazil. Howeve...
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. ...
Este artigo trata das representações sobre as mulheres brasileiras na mídia portuguesa, explorando q...
This paper aims to investigate racial representation in Brazilian Soap Operas broadcasted by the mai...
Since the late 1960s TV Globo, Brazil’s largest and most commercially successful broadcast network, ...
Feminist media studies in the US and the UK have built a strong tradition of research, which has aim...