Teflon injection has been used for vocal fold medialization following paralysis. Recently, numerous articles have discussed the complications of Teflon injection, including overinjection, airway obstruction, Teflon granuloma, and an abnormal mass effect creating a decreased vibratory character of the true vocal fold. Multiple techniques for Teflon removal have been described. This report details our experience with complete Teflon granuloma removal via a lateral laryngotomy under local anesthesia. Micro-scopic dissection of the entire granuloma and the paraglottic space was accomplished in all patients. Due to extensive destruction caused by the granuloma, the vocal ligament was resected in 3 patients; it was partially resected and reanasto...
The objective of this study was to document functional results and to compare objective and subjecti...
Compared with medialization laryngoplasty, injection laryngoplasty offers the advantages of being ea...
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis resulting in glottal incompetence can cause significant morbidity at...
The objective of this work is to evaluate the safety, feasibility and efficacy of trans-nasal fibere...
The etiology of vocal fold granuloma was identified : post-endotracheal intubation, vocal abuse, aci...
Contact vocal process granuloma causative factors are gastroesophageal reflux, intubation trauma, ...
Introduction. Treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) has evolved from external irrevers...
The vocal fold granuloma has been associated with vocal abuse, gastroesophageal reflux, endotracheal...
Objectives: lesions in the anterior segment of the vocal fold are sometimes difficult to access by m...
Thyroplasty has virtually replaced Teflon injection as the procedure of choice for treatment of the ...
Introduction. Treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) has evolved from external irrevers...
The objective of this study was to document functional results and to compare objective and subjecti...
Abstract Background Transoral thyroidectomy can be performed using nasal or oral intubation. Recentl...
may have recurrent laryngeal nerve injury; until recently, Teflon injection was commonly used for vo...
Objective Contact granulomas are benign, exophytic inflammatory lesions of the larynx that typically...
The objective of this study was to document functional results and to compare objective and subjecti...
Compared with medialization laryngoplasty, injection laryngoplasty offers the advantages of being ea...
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis resulting in glottal incompetence can cause significant morbidity at...
The objective of this work is to evaluate the safety, feasibility and efficacy of trans-nasal fibere...
The etiology of vocal fold granuloma was identified : post-endotracheal intubation, vocal abuse, aci...
Contact vocal process granuloma causative factors are gastroesophageal reflux, intubation trauma, ...
Introduction. Treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) has evolved from external irrevers...
The vocal fold granuloma has been associated with vocal abuse, gastroesophageal reflux, endotracheal...
Objectives: lesions in the anterior segment of the vocal fold are sometimes difficult to access by m...
Thyroplasty has virtually replaced Teflon injection as the procedure of choice for treatment of the ...
Introduction. Treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) has evolved from external irrevers...
The objective of this study was to document functional results and to compare objective and subjecti...
Abstract Background Transoral thyroidectomy can be performed using nasal or oral intubation. Recentl...
may have recurrent laryngeal nerve injury; until recently, Teflon injection was commonly used for vo...
Objective Contact granulomas are benign, exophytic inflammatory lesions of the larynx that typically...
The objective of this study was to document functional results and to compare objective and subjecti...
Compared with medialization laryngoplasty, injection laryngoplasty offers the advantages of being ea...
Unilateral vocal fold paralysis resulting in glottal incompetence can cause significant morbidity at...