S u m m a r y Lumbar spine discopathy is a serious social and economical problem in both our country and around the world. The severity of pain significantly impairs the performance of basic activities such as: dressing, walking, sitting, sleeping, traveling, social and sexual life that make up the quality of life. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of rehabilitation conducted by McKenzie method on the value and localization of pain ailments. The study included 45 patients treated for pain ailments accompanying lumbar discopathy, in whom the analogue VAS scale was used to assess pain. There was no effect of gender, age and number of episodes of pain on the location of the pain. Pain ailment
INTRODUCTION : Low back pain with a life time prevalence of approximately 60-80% is recognized int...
AbSTRACT Researchers have reported various therapeutic approaches to treat patients with low back pa...
STUDY DESIGN A prospective observational study of visual analog scale (VAS) scores for pain in pa...
This thesis is focused on the treatment of chronic lumbar back pain using Robin McKenzie method as a...
Aging society, lack of habit shaping attitude to correct posture among children and youth and a life...
Background: Lumbar radiculopathy is a disease of the spinal nerve root generally accompanied by radi...
Objectives This paper evaluates the efficacy of using the McKenzie and Vojta methods for patients wi...
One of activity that contributed to non-specific low back pain (LBP) is prolonged sitting. Therapeut...
Coraz więcej osób zmaga się z dolegliwościami spowodowanymi dyskopatią kręgosłupa lędźwiowo- krzyżow...
84 ANNOTATION Author: Romana Novotná Institution: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine The Fakulty ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the McKenzie method compared to manual th...
Neurodynamic mobilization is a set of techniques designed to restore the plasticity of the nervous s...
Low back pain (LBP) is the most common musculoskeletal problem worldwide. Up to 85% of people will e...
Background: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is one of the most common causes of medical consultation in...
Importance of the study: relevance of the topic: 95% of people, whos age is 25–55 years, have lumbar...
INTRODUCTION : Low back pain with a life time prevalence of approximately 60-80% is recognized int...
AbSTRACT Researchers have reported various therapeutic approaches to treat patients with low back pa...
STUDY DESIGN A prospective observational study of visual analog scale (VAS) scores for pain in pa...
This thesis is focused on the treatment of chronic lumbar back pain using Robin McKenzie method as a...
Aging society, lack of habit shaping attitude to correct posture among children and youth and a life...
Background: Lumbar radiculopathy is a disease of the spinal nerve root generally accompanied by radi...
Objectives This paper evaluates the efficacy of using the McKenzie and Vojta methods for patients wi...
One of activity that contributed to non-specific low back pain (LBP) is prolonged sitting. Therapeut...
Coraz więcej osób zmaga się z dolegliwościami spowodowanymi dyskopatią kręgosłupa lędźwiowo- krzyżow...
84 ANNOTATION Author: Romana Novotná Institution: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine The Fakulty ...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the McKenzie method compared to manual th...
Neurodynamic mobilization is a set of techniques designed to restore the plasticity of the nervous s...
Low back pain (LBP) is the most common musculoskeletal problem worldwide. Up to 85% of people will e...
Background: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is one of the most common causes of medical consultation in...
Importance of the study: relevance of the topic: 95% of people, whos age is 25–55 years, have lumbar...
INTRODUCTION : Low back pain with a life time prevalence of approximately 60-80% is recognized int...
AbSTRACT Researchers have reported various therapeutic approaches to treat patients with low back pa...
STUDY DESIGN A prospective observational study of visual analog scale (VAS) scores for pain in pa...