Lipocytes from normal rat liver release a neutral metalloproteinase that degrades basement membrane (type IV collagen

  • Michael J. P. Arthur
  • Scott L. Friedman
  • F. Joseph Roll
  • D. Montgomery Bissell
Publication date
January 1989


We report a proteinase that degrades basement-membrane (type IV) collagen and is produced by the liver. Its cellular source is lipocytes (fat-storing or Ito cells). Lipocytes were isolated from normal rat liver and established in primary cul-ture. The cells synthesize and secrete a neutral proteinase, which by gelatin-substrate gel electrophoresis and gel filtra-tion chromatography, has a molecular mass of 65,000 D. The enzyme is 'secreted in latent form and is activated by p-anino-phenylmercuric acetate but not by trypsin. Enzyme activity in the presence of EDTA is restored selectively by zinc and is unaffected by serine-protease inhibitors. In assays with radio-labeled soluble substrates, it degrades native type IV (base-ment membran...

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