Hen brain mlcrosomel preparation has phenyl velerete-hydrolyzlng activity associated with neurotoxlc ester-ase activity. Part of that activity Is due to peraoxon-lnsensltlve estereses end 9 sub-part of this Is sensitive to neurotoxlc orgenophosphates, i.e., mlpa-fox and leptophosoxon. This neurotoxlc agent senslt-Ive esterase activity is referred to as neurotoxlr esterase (NTE). Because of the commercial unavell-ability and high toxicity of mlpefox, which Is usually used as the selective Inhibitor for assaying NTE, lepto-phosoxon was used as an alternative to mlpafox. Results Indicated that the NTE fraction of hen brain mlcrosomel PV-hydrolyzlng activity Is the same target for either mlpafox or leptophosoxon. The Inhibitory effect of leptop...
Neurotoxic esterase (NTE) is an enzyme which is present in nervous and other tissues. Certain organo...
Chlorpyrifos: Assessment of Potential for Delayed Neurotoxicity by Repeated Dosing in Adult Hens wit...
Several esterase inhibitors, not capable of causing peripheral neuropathy by themselves, exacerbate ...
Abstract-Hen brain and spinal cord contain a number of esterases that hydrolyze phenyl valerate (PV)...
Certain organic phosphorus esters produce sensorimotor axonopathy in man and other species. There is...
Hen brain and spinal cord contain a number of esterases that hydrolyze phenyl valerate (PV). Most of...
axonopathy in man and other species. There is an excellent correlation between the capacity of an or...
Measurements of plasma cholinesterase (pl.ChE), brain cholinesterase (Br.ChE) and brain Neuropathy T...
Some of the organophosphorus pesticides posess the ability to produce delayed neurotoxicity in expos...
Potentiation of OPIDN is an important mechanistic problem in neurotoxicology that has significant im...
Certain esterase inhibitors, such as carbamates, phosphinates and sulfonyl halides, do not cause neu...
Phosphamidon (PSM) is an organophosphorus insecticide widely used in agriculture. This study was und...
Inhibition of Hen Brain Acetylcholinesterase and Neurotoxic Esterase by Chlorpyrifos in Vivo and Kin...
Some effects of organophosphorus compounds (OPs) esters cannot be explained by action on currently r...
A method is presented for the isolation of a 155-kDa protein that possesses phenyl valerate hydrolys...
Neurotoxic esterase (NTE) is an enzyme which is present in nervous and other tissues. Certain organo...
Chlorpyrifos: Assessment of Potential for Delayed Neurotoxicity by Repeated Dosing in Adult Hens wit...
Several esterase inhibitors, not capable of causing peripheral neuropathy by themselves, exacerbate ...
Abstract-Hen brain and spinal cord contain a number of esterases that hydrolyze phenyl valerate (PV)...
Certain organic phosphorus esters produce sensorimotor axonopathy in man and other species. There is...
Hen brain and spinal cord contain a number of esterases that hydrolyze phenyl valerate (PV). Most of...
axonopathy in man and other species. There is an excellent correlation between the capacity of an or...
Measurements of plasma cholinesterase (pl.ChE), brain cholinesterase (Br.ChE) and brain Neuropathy T...
Some of the organophosphorus pesticides posess the ability to produce delayed neurotoxicity in expos...
Potentiation of OPIDN is an important mechanistic problem in neurotoxicology that has significant im...
Certain esterase inhibitors, such as carbamates, phosphinates and sulfonyl halides, do not cause neu...
Phosphamidon (PSM) is an organophosphorus insecticide widely used in agriculture. This study was und...
Inhibition of Hen Brain Acetylcholinesterase and Neurotoxic Esterase by Chlorpyrifos in Vivo and Kin...
Some effects of organophosphorus compounds (OPs) esters cannot be explained by action on currently r...
A method is presented for the isolation of a 155-kDa protein that possesses phenyl valerate hydrolys...
Neurotoxic esterase (NTE) is an enzyme which is present in nervous and other tissues. Certain organo...
Chlorpyrifos: Assessment of Potential for Delayed Neurotoxicity by Repeated Dosing in Adult Hens wit...
Several esterase inhibitors, not capable of causing peripheral neuropathy by themselves, exacerbate ...