The Armed Forces and the Police are heavily male workplaces worldwide, although each is increasing its f emale representation in New Zealand and most western countries. Their historic roles and previous exclusion of women give rise to strongly male cultures and greater difficulties than most workplaces in combining work and family and reaching top positions. This paper discusses these barriers to gender equity and integration and the extenr to which they are reducing, using mainly the author's recent interview/focus group study of the NZCIB and also referring to Clare Burton's study of the New Zealand Defence Forces. It briefly considers the prospects/or change and the dilemmas for feminists working for gender equity in these sect...
In countries emerging out of conflict, state-building initiatives tend to prioritize gender-balancin...
Little is generally known about the factors affecting the managerial advancement of women in police ...
In 1997, 70% of British Armed Forces roles were opened to women. Women were still excluded from grou...
The Armed Forces and the Police are heavily male workplaces worldwide, although each is increasing i...
Women officers represent a minority within the New Zealand Police (Police) particularly within the s...
This paper examines the impact of equity measures in Australian and New Zealand policing, involving ...
This paper examines the impact of equity measures in Australian and New Zealand policing, involving ...
This paper will discuss the status of women in police unions. It will examine why women in policing ...
Feminist scholars have debated the issue of integration and specialising of women in policing. Schol...
This article questions the conventional wisdom in several major militaries that removing the combat ...
In September 2011, Australia announced its intention to lift all current restrictions on the occupat...
This thesis seeks to understand and critically discuss gender inequalities in the Australian Defence...
There has been much speculation over the last two decades about the extent to which women can and do...
A series of recent reviews and reports have highlighted issues around misogyny and gender inequality...
The importance of linking development and security has become a policy mantra in recent years. Withi...
In countries emerging out of conflict, state-building initiatives tend to prioritize gender-balancin...
Little is generally known about the factors affecting the managerial advancement of women in police ...
In 1997, 70% of British Armed Forces roles were opened to women. Women were still excluded from grou...
The Armed Forces and the Police are heavily male workplaces worldwide, although each is increasing i...
Women officers represent a minority within the New Zealand Police (Police) particularly within the s...
This paper examines the impact of equity measures in Australian and New Zealand policing, involving ...
This paper examines the impact of equity measures in Australian and New Zealand policing, involving ...
This paper will discuss the status of women in police unions. It will examine why women in policing ...
Feminist scholars have debated the issue of integration and specialising of women in policing. Schol...
This article questions the conventional wisdom in several major militaries that removing the combat ...
In September 2011, Australia announced its intention to lift all current restrictions on the occupat...
This thesis seeks to understand and critically discuss gender inequalities in the Australian Defence...
There has been much speculation over the last two decades about the extent to which women can and do...
A series of recent reviews and reports have highlighted issues around misogyny and gender inequality...
The importance of linking development and security has become a policy mantra in recent years. Withi...
In countries emerging out of conflict, state-building initiatives tend to prioritize gender-balancin...
Little is generally known about the factors affecting the managerial advancement of women in police ...
In 1997, 70% of British Armed Forces roles were opened to women. Women were still excluded from grou...