sorbs s t rongly in both the vis ib le and u l t rav io le t regions thus resul t ing in less rad iant energy being avai lab le for the luminescent process. Also when Ca~(PO4)2 is fo rmed by a degradat ion process at h igh temperatures, some of the manganese is re-moved f rom the phosphor to form (Ca, Mn) ~ (PO4) 5. This results in a decrease in the manganese mission, and thus the luminescent color shifts toward the b lue ant imony emission wi th a corresponding decrease in luminous efficiency. Acknowledgments The authors grate fu l ly acknowledge the contr i-but ions of Dr. John Parod i n the measurement and in terpretat ion of the magnet ic suscept ib i l i ty data, and Dr. R. L. Brown for the ref lectance measure-ment. Their thanks are...
adjacent o an ant imony-oxygen pair, and on a Ca (II) site adjacent o a chlorine ion in those phosph...
A new, highly efficient deep red-emitting phosphor Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Mn4+ was developed as a component ...
In this work, the crystal field stabilization energy (Dq) and the Racah B and C parameters were calc...
To further understand the energy loss mechanism of the "charge transfer process" that was ...
The temperature-dependent luminescence of Sm2+ ions in MBPO5 (M=Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) was studied. At lo...
Phosphates.--Smith (1) found three crystalline forms of zinc orthophosphate and studied them under c...
Using the solid-state technique that involves great temperature, we created multiple phosphors Sr4La...
We apply the high-heat solid-state technique to create a sequence of phosphors Sr4La(PO4)3O: Ce3+ , ...
A high heat solid-state technique was used to produce a set of phosphor Sr4La(PO4)3O:Ce3+,Tb3+,Mn2+ ...
The influence of reducing processes (H2, N2, vacuum) on the luminescence of magnesium orthotitanate ...
The variation of the enhancement of α-ray excited luminescence by electric fields, in manganese acti...
Cathodoluminescent zinc-magnesium phosphate phos-phors activated by Mn 2+ are wel l-known (1-3). Zn ...
The influence of impurities on the luminescence quantum efficiency of La0v~Ce0.~PO4 and La0.35Tb0 ~P...
The luminescence properties of various transition metal ions in inorganic host lattices have been st...
The luminescence propert ies of some t in-act ivated alkal ine-earth or thophosphates, viz., ~-Caa(...
adjacent o an ant imony-oxygen pair, and on a Ca (II) site adjacent o a chlorine ion in those phosph...
A new, highly efficient deep red-emitting phosphor Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Mn4+ was developed as a component ...
In this work, the crystal field stabilization energy (Dq) and the Racah B and C parameters were calc...
To further understand the energy loss mechanism of the "charge transfer process" that was ...
The temperature-dependent luminescence of Sm2+ ions in MBPO5 (M=Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) was studied. At lo...
Phosphates.--Smith (1) found three crystalline forms of zinc orthophosphate and studied them under c...
Using the solid-state technique that involves great temperature, we created multiple phosphors Sr4La...
We apply the high-heat solid-state technique to create a sequence of phosphors Sr4La(PO4)3O: Ce3+ , ...
A high heat solid-state technique was used to produce a set of phosphor Sr4La(PO4)3O:Ce3+,Tb3+,Mn2+ ...
The influence of reducing processes (H2, N2, vacuum) on the luminescence of magnesium orthotitanate ...
The variation of the enhancement of α-ray excited luminescence by electric fields, in manganese acti...
Cathodoluminescent zinc-magnesium phosphate phos-phors activated by Mn 2+ are wel l-known (1-3). Zn ...
The influence of impurities on the luminescence quantum efficiency of La0v~Ce0.~PO4 and La0.35Tb0 ~P...
The luminescence properties of various transition metal ions in inorganic host lattices have been st...
The luminescence propert ies of some t in-act ivated alkal ine-earth or thophosphates, viz., ~-Caa(...
adjacent o an ant imony-oxygen pair, and on a Ca (II) site adjacent o a chlorine ion in those phosph...
A new, highly efficient deep red-emitting phosphor Ca14Al10Zn6O35:Mn4+ was developed as a component ...
In this work, the crystal field stabilization energy (Dq) and the Racah B and C parameters were calc...