Stokstad el al. (1949) reported that the animal protein factor was multiple in nature and evidence was presented show-ing that a whole fermented mash resulting from the growth of Streptomyces aureo-faciens in deep aerobic culture contained an unidentified chick growth factor(s). Since the fermentation product Stokstad et al. employed was a whole mash it oc-curred to us that this material may have contained significant quantities of the antibiotic aureomycin which conceivably could have influenced growth in a pro-found manner. The concept of antibiotics playing a role in the growth effect was brought to mind by the report of Moore el al. (1946) who showed that the feeding of streptomycin or sulfasuxidine to chicks on purified diets resulted ...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
THE addition of an antibiotic to a suitably deficient diet can result in large increases in the grow...
FOLLOWING the discovery by Stok-stad and Jukes (1950) that feeding of aureomycin had a stimulating e...
AMARKED growth promoting effect of a fermentation supplement, now known to contain aureomycin, for t...
A study has been made on the growth stimulatory-effect of antibiotics when fed to chicks as suppleme...
VARIOUS investigations have recog-nized the value of using extracted streptomyces fermentation produ...
have been due to storage of vitamin B12 or to a change in microflora which resulted in intestinal sy...
McGINNIS a al. (1949) reported a growth promoting effect of a fer-mentation supplement for turkey po...
eral antibiotics to increse the growth rate of chicks adequately suppled with vitamin B12. Atkinson ...
parison with fish meal. Autolyzed cuttle fish, autolyzed sardines, and fish solubles, when fed to ch...
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the diet on the chick growth respons...
THE results of feeding combinations of antibiotics have been reported by several investigators. Reyn...
SINCE 1925 a rather extensive amount of literature has been published con-cerning the chick requirem...
A comparison of vitamin B12, fish solubles and whey in the growth of chicks. Poultry Sci. 30
Recent investigations in poultry nutrition have created new opportunities to combine feedstuffs into...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
THE addition of an antibiotic to a suitably deficient diet can result in large increases in the grow...
FOLLOWING the discovery by Stok-stad and Jukes (1950) that feeding of aureomycin had a stimulating e...
AMARKED growth promoting effect of a fermentation supplement, now known to contain aureomycin, for t...
A study has been made on the growth stimulatory-effect of antibiotics when fed to chicks as suppleme...
VARIOUS investigations have recog-nized the value of using extracted streptomyces fermentation produ...
have been due to storage of vitamin B12 or to a change in microflora which resulted in intestinal sy...
McGINNIS a al. (1949) reported a growth promoting effect of a fer-mentation supplement for turkey po...
eral antibiotics to increse the growth rate of chicks adequately suppled with vitamin B12. Atkinson ...
parison with fish meal. Autolyzed cuttle fish, autolyzed sardines, and fish solubles, when fed to ch...
ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the diet on the chick growth respons...
THE results of feeding combinations of antibiotics have been reported by several investigators. Reyn...
SINCE 1925 a rather extensive amount of literature has been published con-cerning the chick requirem...
A comparison of vitamin B12, fish solubles and whey in the growth of chicks. Poultry Sci. 30
Recent investigations in poultry nutrition have created new opportunities to combine feedstuffs into...
ABSTRACT A study of the growth-promoting effects of penicillin, oxytetracycline, lincomycin, bamberm...
THE addition of an antibiotic to a suitably deficient diet can result in large increases in the grow...
FOLLOWING the discovery by Stok-stad and Jukes (1950) that feeding of aureomycin had a stimulating e...