Monkeys were trained to release a telegraph key at the onset of a pure tone. Latency of the response was measured over a 70-db range of sound pressure (re 0.0002 dyn/cm') at six frequencies (250 to 15,000 cps). Latency was found to be an inverse exponential function of intensity at all frequencies. Equal loudness was inferred from the equal latency contours which were constructed from the latency-intensity functions at each frequency. These data indicate peak auditory sensitivity for the monkey near 1000 cps. At the frequencies above and below 1000 cps consistently more sound energy was required for equal latency. In conventional usage the simple reaction time experiment implies a set of contingencies designed to ensure a "minimal...
The mechanisms underlying multi-sensory interactions are still poorly understood despite considerabl...
Ph.D.ExperimentsPsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp:/...
The mammalian inner ear combines spectral analysis of sound with multiband dynamic compres-sion. Coc...
Peer Reviewed
Abstract. Equal-loudness contours were constructed from magnitude estimation judgments in 10 normal-...
Two monkeys were trained to press and hold a response key in the presence of a light and to release ...
Peer Reviewed
The relationship between changes in loudness and the cochlear whole-nerve potential following experi...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authori...
To determine whether the latency-increasing effects of ethanol were differential with respect to the... This study provides evidence that monkeys are rhythm sensitive. We composed isochro...
This work tested the adequacy of the patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas) treated with dihydrostreptomy...
<p>A – Mean relative startle responses, collapsed across stimulus intensities, across repeated block...
Abstract. To determine whether the latency-increasing effects of ethanol were differential with resp...
Frequency and intensity response properties of single neurons in the auditory cortex of the behaving...
The mechanisms underlying multi-sensory interactions are still poorly understood despite considerabl...
Ph.D.ExperimentsPsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp:/...
The mammalian inner ear combines spectral analysis of sound with multiband dynamic compres-sion. Coc...
Peer Reviewed
Abstract. Equal-loudness contours were constructed from magnitude estimation judgments in 10 normal-...
Two monkeys were trained to press and hold a response key in the presence of a light and to release ...
Peer Reviewed
The relationship between changes in loudness and the cochlear whole-nerve potential following experi...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityPLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authori...
To determine whether the latency-increasing effects of ethanol were differential with respect to the... This study provides evidence that monkeys are rhythm sensitive. We composed isochro...
This work tested the adequacy of the patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas) treated with dihydrostreptomy...
<p>A – Mean relative startle responses, collapsed across stimulus intensities, across repeated block...
Abstract. To determine whether the latency-increasing effects of ethanol were differential with resp...
Frequency and intensity response properties of single neurons in the auditory cortex of the behaving...
The mechanisms underlying multi-sensory interactions are still poorly understood despite considerabl...
Ph.D.ExperimentsPsychologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp:/...
The mammalian inner ear combines spectral analysis of sound with multiband dynamic compres-sion. Coc...