During the past several years considerab le effort has been expended design ing and imp lemen t ing systems wh ich are in tended to prov ide extended capab i l i t ies for persons wi th mathemat-ica l prob l ems to so lve. Some of them in add i t ion to NAPSS are CULLER FRIED, KLERER MA " , M P, RECKONER, AMTRAN, and POSE. These systems can be classified as prob lem solving systems for appl ied ma thema t i cs. Before the advent of these systems the research scient ist or eng ineer used a procedura l language such as FORTRAN or ALGOL when he employed the compu ter to aid him in solving a prob l em. Both of these languages, a l though they resemb le ma thema t i ca l no ta t ion more closely than mach ine l anguage, are somewhat a...