Background: One of the central purposes of population-based cancer registries is 7 to identify patterns of cancer incidence and mortality that may be amenable to 8 intervention. To do so it is essential, at a minimum, to have information on tumor grade 9 and stage at diagnosis. Cases identified by a death certificate only, rather than through 10 medical records, do not provide this information thereby limiting the efficacy of the 11 registry. 12 Objective: To identify demographic differences between cancer patients whose 13 death certificates are the only source of information available to a cancer registry and 14 those for whom medical records are also accessible. 15 Sample: There were 330,961 records containing reports of tumors that wer...
In a sample of deaths among cancer patients, the relationship of place of death to age, sex, length ...
A study of undernotification to the Stockholm Regional Cancer Registry comprised cancer diagnosed in...
Various methods of estimating the completeness of cancer registration have been tested on data for t...
© 2017 Background Death Certificate Only (DCO) cancer cases are commonly excluded from survival anal...
The Data Evaluation and Publication Committee of NAACCR used data submitted by member registries to ...
Background/Aims: In studies of cancer incidence, it is often desirable to exclude individuals with a...
Registry based cancer incidence and mortality data are widely used for etiologic research, cancer co...
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Completeness is important in cancer registration. Identifying areas to improv...
Summary This paper describes the effect of including 'death certificate only ' (DCO) regis...
data is an important tool in assessing both disease time trends and dif-ferences in populations. How...
We determined whether the current SEER registries are representative of the nation’s cancer cases or...
Palliative care is an essential component of cancer care, and population-based research is needed to...
Death certificates mentioning cancer are one of the regular sources of information of population-bas...
The comparison of cancer prevalence with cancer mortality can lead under some hypotheses to an estim...
Objective: Obtaining accurate data about causes of death may be difficult in patients with a complic...
In a sample of deaths among cancer patients, the relationship of place of death to age, sex, length ...
A study of undernotification to the Stockholm Regional Cancer Registry comprised cancer diagnosed in...
Various methods of estimating the completeness of cancer registration have been tested on data for t...
© 2017 Background Death Certificate Only (DCO) cancer cases are commonly excluded from survival anal...
The Data Evaluation and Publication Committee of NAACCR used data submitted by member registries to ...
Background/Aims: In studies of cancer incidence, it is often desirable to exclude individuals with a...
Registry based cancer incidence and mortality data are widely used for etiologic research, cancer co...
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: Completeness is important in cancer registration. Identifying areas to improv...
Summary This paper describes the effect of including 'death certificate only ' (DCO) regis...
data is an important tool in assessing both disease time trends and dif-ferences in populations. How...
We determined whether the current SEER registries are representative of the nation’s cancer cases or...
Palliative care is an essential component of cancer care, and population-based research is needed to...
Death certificates mentioning cancer are one of the regular sources of information of population-bas...
The comparison of cancer prevalence with cancer mortality can lead under some hypotheses to an estim...
Objective: Obtaining accurate data about causes of death may be difficult in patients with a complic...
In a sample of deaths among cancer patients, the relationship of place of death to age, sex, length ...
A study of undernotification to the Stockholm Regional Cancer Registry comprised cancer diagnosed in...
Various methods of estimating the completeness of cancer registration have been tested on data for t...