This invest igat ion was se t out to s tudy Effect ive Methods of Combating Street Begging as perce ived by the Panhandlers. Four hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study made use o f an ins trument known as “Effec t ive Methods of Combating Street Begging Quest ionnaire ” (EMOCSRQ). The ins trument had a re l iabi l i ty coeff ic ient o f 0.83 and was administered on a total o f one hundred and seventy-f ive respondents made up of male and female, o ld and young, Moslem and non-Moslem and marr ied and unmarr ied beggars. One hundred and for ty subjects re turned their copies sho wing e ighty percent retr ieval rate. The Z-test sta t i s t ics was employed to analyse the data and the find ings revea led tha t Rehabil i ta...
Poverty is a social problem that is always present in the midst of society, and has always been a ve...
ABSTRACT The research deals with the phenomenon of beggary in Afghanistan with an explanation of it...
Beggars became a matter of great concern to the Yogyakarta government. Public service advertisement...
This investigation was set out to study Effective Methods of Combating Street Begging as perceived b...
This study investigated street begging and its psychosocial effect in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, ...
The menace of street begging is a long-standing social issue ravaging our society, especially in the...
The present study aims to investigate “Beseeching Verbosity used by Street Beggars” in Sargodha Divi...
The rapid development in 21st century not only gave birth to urbanization but also accompanied emerg...
Abstrak: Muslim Kaitannya dengan Pengemis. bahwa pengemis merupakan salah satu komunitasyang menggun...
This study's main goal was to evaluate the socioeconomic elements that contribute to street baggers'...
This ethnographic study of a street community in one of Mexico’s largest cities examines the stigma ...
Poverty is a social problem that is always present in the midst of society, and has always been a ve...
Begging behavior is a serious issue and happens on a wide scale, especially in urban areas. In Islam...
Begging is a phenomenon that is prevalent in different parts of the world. The involvement of childr...
Almsgiving/charity is one of the pillars of Islam and highly recommended as a duty, however begging ...
Poverty is a social problem that is always present in the midst of society, and has always been a ve...
ABSTRACT The research deals with the phenomenon of beggary in Afghanistan with an explanation of it...
Beggars became a matter of great concern to the Yogyakarta government. Public service advertisement...
This investigation was set out to study Effective Methods of Combating Street Begging as perceived b...
This study investigated street begging and its psychosocial effect in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, ...
The menace of street begging is a long-standing social issue ravaging our society, especially in the...
The present study aims to investigate “Beseeching Verbosity used by Street Beggars” in Sargodha Divi...
The rapid development in 21st century not only gave birth to urbanization but also accompanied emerg...
Abstrak: Muslim Kaitannya dengan Pengemis. bahwa pengemis merupakan salah satu komunitasyang menggun...
This study's main goal was to evaluate the socioeconomic elements that contribute to street baggers'...
This ethnographic study of a street community in one of Mexico’s largest cities examines the stigma ...
Poverty is a social problem that is always present in the midst of society, and has always been a ve...
Begging behavior is a serious issue and happens on a wide scale, especially in urban areas. In Islam...
Begging is a phenomenon that is prevalent in different parts of the world. The involvement of childr...
Almsgiving/charity is one of the pillars of Islam and highly recommended as a duty, however begging ...
Poverty is a social problem that is always present in the midst of society, and has always been a ve...
ABSTRACT The research deals with the phenomenon of beggary in Afghanistan with an explanation of it...
Beggars became a matter of great concern to the Yogyakarta government. Public service advertisement...