A novel aerobic, Gram-staining-negative bacterium, designated strain LAM-WHM-ZCT, was isolated from coastal sediment samples from the Bohai Sea, near Yantai, China. Cells of LAM-WHM-ZCT were non-motile, short-rod- or coccoid-shaped. The temperature and pH ranges for growth were 4–40 8C (optimum: 20–33 8C) and pH 5–9 (optimum: pH 7.5). The strain did not require NaCl for growth but tolerated up to 10 % NaCl (w/v). The major fatty acids of strain LAM-WHM-ZCT were summed feature 3, C12: 0, C16: 0, summed feature 2 and summed feature 8. The predominant respiratory quinone was ubiquinone Q-8. The main polar lipids were diphosphatidyglycerol, phosphatigylethanolamine, phosphatidyglycerol, one phospholipid and four unidentified glycolipids. The DN...