Australian investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from other markets. Emerging markets have attracted significant interest because of their low correlations with Australian equity market returns; however, a number of studies have indicated that correlations between equity returns are increasing over time, so using unconditional estimates of correlations in a portfolio optimization model can result in the selection of a portfolio that may not be optimal. We use an Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH model to estimate time-varying correlations and include these correlation estimates in the portfolio optimization model. The assets used for portfolio construction comprise seven emerging mark...
Investors and academics around the world are intrigued by new possibilities to reduce risk and incre...
peer reviewedForecasting the evolution of security co-movements is critical for asset pricing and po...
This paper examines the behavior of the monthly and daily correlation coefficients and co-variances ...
Australian investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from othe...
Australian stock market has lower market capitalization compared to that of many other OECD countrie...
The benefits of international equity diversification have been discussed extensively in theoretical ...
The benefits of international equity diversification have been discussed extensively in theoretical ...
Investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from other markets. ...
Aims of the thesis: The objective of this research is to quantify the returns to an Australian inves...
This paper examines the changing correlations between the equity returns of Australia and the emergi...
Low correlations between asset returns increase the portfolio diversification benefits and for U.S. ...
The objectives of this research are to estimate the potential divesification benefits for an Austral...
Taking into account previous research we could assume to be beneficial to diversify investments in e...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there exist significant benefits from diver...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there exist significant benefits from diver...
Investors and academics around the world are intrigued by new possibilities to reduce risk and incre...
peer reviewedForecasting the evolution of security co-movements is critical for asset pricing and po...
This paper examines the behavior of the monthly and daily correlation coefficients and co-variances ...
Australian investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from othe...
Australian stock market has lower market capitalization compared to that of many other OECD countrie...
The benefits of international equity diversification have been discussed extensively in theoretical ...
The benefits of international equity diversification have been discussed extensively in theoretical ...
Investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from other markets. ...
Aims of the thesis: The objective of this research is to quantify the returns to an Australian inves...
This paper examines the changing correlations between the equity returns of Australia and the emergi...
Low correlations between asset returns increase the portfolio diversification benefits and for U.S. ...
The objectives of this research are to estimate the potential divesification benefits for an Austral...
Taking into account previous research we could assume to be beneficial to diversify investments in e...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there exist significant benefits from diver...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether there exist significant benefits from diver...
Investors and academics around the world are intrigued by new possibilities to reduce risk and incre...
peer reviewedForecasting the evolution of security co-movements is critical for asset pricing and po...
This paper examines the behavior of the monthly and daily correlation coefficients and co-variances ...