CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS, INTERVENTIONS, AND THERAPEUTIC TRIALS Effect of active prenatal management on pregnancy outcome in sickle cell disease in an African setting

  • Mohamed C. Rahimy
  • Annick Gangbo
  • Roslyn Adjou
  • Chantal Deguenon
  • Stephanie Goussanou
  • Eusebe Alihonou
Publication date
September 2016


Sickle cell disease (SCD) is associated with an increased risk of medical compli-cations during pregnancy. In sub-Sa-haran Africa, fetal and maternal mortality rates are particularly high. This study evaluated the effect of an active prenatal management program on pregnancy out-come in patients with SCD in an African setting. Pregnant women with SCD attend-ing the National Teaching Hospital in Co-tonou (The Republic of Benin, West Af-rica) were recruited before the 28th week of gestation. Management was based on providing information and education about SCD and improving nutritional sta-tus, malaria prevention, early detection of bacterial infections, and restricted use of blood transfusion. Maternal and fetal mor-tality rates and SCD-relat...

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