Connected? MACROECONOMIC GROWTH has long been viewed as one of the most ef-fective ways to reduce poverty. Historically, the rising tide of labor mar-ket opportunities that accompanies an economic expansion has helped the poor more than the rich, leading to a narrowing of the income distri-bution and a fall in poverty. ' Using data from the 1950s through the 1970s, for example, Rebecca M. Blank and Alan S. Blinder estimate that a one percentage point reduction in unemployment lowers the poverty rate by one point.2 Economic growth in the 1980s, however, seems to have had far weaker redistributive effects.3 The economic expansion from 1983 to 1989 led to a more than four percentage point decline in un-employment, but only a modest declin...
This study assesses the role of initial poverty and inequality in predicting the speed at which pove...
This survey concludes that general prosperity and economic growth have been considerably less powerf...
Many economists have long believed that income dispari-ties increase in the early stages of developm...
This paper reviews the recent literature dealing with the relationships between economic growth, inc...
In this paper we systematize existing theoretical and empirical, often contradictory, knowledge of l...
Despite the nation\u27s significant and prolonged economic growth during the 1990s, the portion of a...
Over the past few years pro-poor growth has become a very popular topic among development practition...
Economists have long been debating about the relationship between economic growth and poverty. In my...
Poverty remains one of the most pressing issues of our time. Understanding the impact of macroeconom...
Abstract: Growth is pro-poor if the poverty measure of interest falls. According to this definition...
The objective of the present paper is to review the theoretical framework of poverty and its relatio...
Introduction Acopious literature on the relationship between income distribution and economic growth...
Produced by the Research Support Team The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the find...
When average income rises, the average incomes of the poorest fifth of society rise proportionately....
Graduation date: 1985In spite of the rapid economic growth of the post-war era, there\ud has not bee...
This study assesses the role of initial poverty and inequality in predicting the speed at which pove...
This survey concludes that general prosperity and economic growth have been considerably less powerf...
Many economists have long believed that income dispari-ties increase in the early stages of developm...
This paper reviews the recent literature dealing with the relationships between economic growth, inc...
In this paper we systematize existing theoretical and empirical, often contradictory, knowledge of l...
Despite the nation\u27s significant and prolonged economic growth during the 1990s, the portion of a...
Over the past few years pro-poor growth has become a very popular topic among development practition...
Economists have long been debating about the relationship between economic growth and poverty. In my...
Poverty remains one of the most pressing issues of our time. Understanding the impact of macroeconom...
Abstract: Growth is pro-poor if the poverty measure of interest falls. According to this definition...
The objective of the present paper is to review the theoretical framework of poverty and its relatio...
Introduction Acopious literature on the relationship between income distribution and economic growth...
Produced by the Research Support Team The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the find...
When average income rises, the average incomes of the poorest fifth of society rise proportionately....
Graduation date: 1985In spite of the rapid economic growth of the post-war era, there\ud has not bee...
This study assesses the role of initial poverty and inequality in predicting the speed at which pove...
This survey concludes that general prosperity and economic growth have been considerably less powerf...
Many economists have long believed that income dispari-ties increase in the early stages of developm...