Electrical stimulation rate effects on speech perception in cochlear implants Article in International journal of audiology · August 200
TNFα signals through specialized factories where responsive coding and miRNA genes are transcribe
brain: a review of experimental and clinical studies of intracranial pulsatility. Fluid
The COMT val158met polymorphism is associated with prevalent fractures in Swedish me
Transcranial alternating stimulation in a high γ frequency range applied over V1 improves contrast p...
Electrical signalling and cytokinins mediate effects of light and root cutting on ion uptake i
Neural circuits and their structural and chemical reorganisation in the light–brain–pituitary axis d...
Cognitive effects of one season of head impacts in a cohort of collegiate contact sport athlete
Van Meir, V. et al. Spatiotemporal properties of the BOLD response in the songbirds ' auditor...
Normal and accessory fissures of the lung: Evaluation with contiguous volumetric thin-section multid...
Motor cortex plasticity induced by paired associative stimulation is enhanced in physically active i...
The course of depressive symptoms in unipolar depressive disorder during electroconvulsive therapy: ...
Cross-modal activation of visual cortex during depth perception using auditory substitution of visio
Auditory arousal responses and thresholds during REM and NREM sleep of sleepwalkers and control
Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability are enhanced in patients with anorexia nervosa Art...
SML resist processing for high-aspect-ratio and high-sensitivity electron beam lithograph
TNFα signals through specialized factories where responsive coding and miRNA genes are transcribe
brain: a review of experimental and clinical studies of intracranial pulsatility. Fluid
The COMT val158met polymorphism is associated with prevalent fractures in Swedish me
Transcranial alternating stimulation in a high γ frequency range applied over V1 improves contrast p...
Electrical signalling and cytokinins mediate effects of light and root cutting on ion uptake i
Neural circuits and their structural and chemical reorganisation in the light–brain–pituitary axis d...
Cognitive effects of one season of head impacts in a cohort of collegiate contact sport athlete
Van Meir, V. et al. Spatiotemporal properties of the BOLD response in the songbirds ' auditor...
Normal and accessory fissures of the lung: Evaluation with contiguous volumetric thin-section multid...
Motor cortex plasticity induced by paired associative stimulation is enhanced in physically active i...
The course of depressive symptoms in unipolar depressive disorder during electroconvulsive therapy: ...
Cross-modal activation of visual cortex during depth perception using auditory substitution of visio
Auditory arousal responses and thresholds during REM and NREM sleep of sleepwalkers and control
Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability are enhanced in patients with anorexia nervosa Art...
SML resist processing for high-aspect-ratio and high-sensitivity electron beam lithograph
TNFα signals through specialized factories where responsive coding and miRNA genes are transcribe
brain: a review of experimental and clinical studies of intracranial pulsatility. Fluid
The COMT val158met polymorphism is associated with prevalent fractures in Swedish me