Equilibration History of the Basal Alpine-Type

  • Johnm Sinton
Publication date
January 1976


The Red Mountain alpine peridotite forms the basal, dominantly harzburgitic tectonite portion of an ophiolite suite in South Island, New Zealand. Olivine and pyroxene Mg/Fe compositions are constant for individual lithologies, but generally increase through the series harzburgite, orthopyroxenite, harzburgitic dunite, dunite. An olivine-clinopyroxene dominated transitional peridotite along the western margin of the mass has more Fe-rich silicates than in the harzburgitic suite. Fe-Mg silicate-spinel relationships and the distribu-tion of AJ between coexisting pyroxenes and spinel indicate nearly complete post-layering equilibration. A partial re-equilibration is suggested by narrow compositional rims on pyroxenes and spinel. Relative to the...

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